Columbian Stingray

im gonna look up the histrix thx they are nice but i much prefer the colombian and ive read in many different places they are also good starter rays.i do value your opinion tho m8 i know you know your rays :good:

they had a very nice motoro at the shop with the silly money tigers that i would buy very nice

i would get a male as they stay smaller and grow slower than females
is there a easy way to tell the difference?i wouldnt trust the lfs to know.also the shop in iver has 2 more dats in and one of them is quite nice.could you pop in and see what type they are and what they are worth?could i keep one with a ray?
are they diffrent dats to the ones they had before

i have the small thin bars that i got from wildwoods in with my rays and rays dont seam to like to eat tigers as once they feel the sharp dorsal fin they leave them alone

its easy to tell with rays which is male or female the males have claspers which are like sticks which potrude from each of their flippers or fins which ever you want to call them

i will try to find some pics to show you maybe someone else might have some pics to show
im not sure if they are different or not :/ they seem more colourful and high bodied
im picking up my ray tomorrow :D

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