Colorful Fish!


Fish Fanatic
Mar 20, 2013
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Anybody know any colorful tropical community fish that I can purchase????? I have alo of tetras that are mostly silverish and I would like some color in my tank:( The only colorful fish I have are my pair of blue rams and a gold gourami that I have in there. Please help!!  
What size is your tank and what do you have in there at the moment.

The most colourful fish generally are livebearers such as Platys and guppies but it won't be long until your overrun with livebearers if your not careful - they breed so often and so easily.

Which tetras do you have? Something like neons are likely to be more colourful or ember tetras as another example.
Copper harlequins are nice in a shoal of six.
What is your water chemistry like, in terms of pH and hardness? Until we know that, and the answers to Leighton's two queries, it's impossible to give any meaningful recommendations. I could recommend swordtails, for instance, but if you've only got a 40l tank, they aren't suitable, so it's a pointless answer.
From what I remember its quite sizeable if its the same one we were discussing plants for ~ 50g (240 litres)

Water chems I don't know though.
the_lock_man said:
What is your water chemistry like, in terms of pH and hardness? Until we know that, and the answers to Leighton's two queries, it's impossible to give any meaningful recommendations. I could recommend swordtails, for instance, but if you've only got a 40l tank, they aren't suitable, so it's a pointless answer.
Good point...
Shelster said:
Copper harlequins are nice in a shoal of six.
If they match your water quality etc., some I like are:
  • Rasboras Espei (my favourites) - I have eleven and they are a BRIGHT orange and shoal beautifully.
  • Pencil Fish - mine have gone bright red and dark black
  • Green Tetras - brighter than normal Neons - do not have them myself yet!
  • Cardinal Tetras - better than Neons IMO
  • Rummy Nose Tetras
  • Golden Minnows
Any good?
I've got some lovely Bentosi tetras - nice red fins !!
I have buenos aires tetras and some harlequins i also have some turquoise rainbowfish a lone gold gourami some emerald corys a big black snail :)  some pristella tetras and some dump eye tetras i have some neons in my quarantine that after two weeks of getting quarantined they got ich because one had it so idk if they will make it....i hope they do im medicating

ohhhhh i forgot i also have some blue rams a pair and those are beautiful but I know im not supposed to have more because then they get aggressive
Rainbowfish colour up really nicely after a while, I love my red rainbows which get up to 4 inches and I have just purchased some forktails for a different tank which max out at 2inches. Beautiful creatures and very colourful given a chance to get established.
as for my water chemistry give me a few minutes and ill post it
ok water chemistry looks like the PH is between 7.6 and 7.8 AMMONIA is at .25 ppm NITRITES are at .25 ppm also and NITRATES are at 0 ppm it is considerably a lot better than it was when I first started  with readings off the chart :/

I just did a 25% water change yesterday might be why nitrates are at zero
Don't add any more fish until ammonia AND nitrite are BOTH 0! You should probably do another change to get it down a bit...

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