Colorful Fish!

50gallon, high pH - You could try swordtails!
With a tank that size, you don't want anything too small, as they will just get lost. Boseman's Rainbowfish would look stunning, as would a shoal of Emperor Tetra.
thank you guys alot from the other post i already have maybe i should just keep it this way for now until my ammonia and nitrites go down and then ill try the other ones mentioned here :( another question are killifish supposed to be aggressive?????
Wait till your tank is fully cycled (and don't rush it) until your tank is fully cycled, however it may take up to a month for that to happen depending on your luck, but I think your fish will speed it up. After that, you can plan on adding more fish. I think a shoal of cardinal tetras would look amazing, however they like a PH lower than yours.
yeah i know my fish are speeding it up because i had crazy readings about three weeks ago and it seems to be slowly going down I'm glad during that whole process i didnt have any deaths my fish are fighters :) Although it looks like now I have a deficiency in my plants :( its just one problem after the other....... a never ending cycle

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