I'm gonna make my own sponge filter, but I"ll probably add something that bubbles. I've ALWAYS wanted that too -giggles- lol
Nerite snail abuse, here I come, lol I can block off the entrances. I'll find a way! But that's scary, poor snail. I'll def. keep that in mind.
Yeah, I'll go check out pygmy's at all the stores, would there be a chance that Petco and/or Petsmart will have them? It doesn't say on the web. Do you think they could GET them for me? *Prays* Ah, and same with cherry shrimp. I want cherry shrimp. Lol.
I gotta go do homework now. Don't expect to see me for a good 5 hours or so. Would still like tips, thanks for all the great ideas!!
Oh, and is it possible to keep neon tetras, cherry barbs (they're cute, lol), AND pygmy cories together? What would be th ebetter numbers?
Nerite snail abuse, here I come, lol I can block off the entrances. I'll find a way! But that's scary, poor snail. I'll def. keep that in mind.
Yeah, I'll go check out pygmy's at all the stores, would there be a chance that Petco and/or Petsmart will have them? It doesn't say on the web. Do you think they could GET them for me? *Prays* Ah, and same with cherry shrimp. I want cherry shrimp. Lol.
I gotta go do homework now. Don't expect to see me for a good 5 hours or so. Would still like tips, thanks for all the great ideas!!
Oh, and is it possible to keep neon tetras, cherry barbs (they're cute, lol), AND pygmy cories together? What would be th ebetter numbers?