The TFF forums work superbly, you can get what info you need on what species of fish, quite easily, and everyone is happy and willing to help.. basically, it's top notch.
However, I have been trying to set up a coldwater aquarium recently, and noticed that to get info in the right forum for fancies and goldies etc, I have to go to 'other pets' - 'coldwater etc etc'.
In my opinion.. coldwater fish, e.g fancies n goldies, should be included in a sub-directory that is about fish, and not 'other pets'. I understand that the admin, and moderators of this board have worked hard to create such a flowing and intelligent community of hobbyists. but i don't count goldies as 'other pets' in a fish forum.
Just a thought..
EDIT: plus.. goldfish and fancies, koi etc originate from China, which, correct me if I'm wrong, is in the Tropics, meaning these fish are actually Tropical fish! All I'm saying is it would be good to have a goldfish, fancy and koi section in the tropical area..
The TFF forums work superbly, you can get what info you need on what species of fish, quite easily, and everyone is happy and willing to help.. basically, it's top notch.
However, I have been trying to set up a coldwater aquarium recently, and noticed that to get info in the right forum for fancies and goldies etc, I have to go to 'other pets' - 'coldwater etc etc'.
In my opinion.. coldwater fish, e.g fancies n goldies, should be included in a sub-directory that is about fish, and not 'other pets'. I understand that the admin, and moderators of this board have worked hard to create such a flowing and intelligent community of hobbyists. but i don't count goldies as 'other pets' in a fish forum.
Just a thought..
EDIT: plus.. goldfish and fancies, koi etc originate from China, which, correct me if I'm wrong, is in the Tropics, meaning these fish are actually Tropical fish! All I'm saying is it would be good to have a goldfish, fancy and koi section in the tropical area..