

Fish Crazy
Apr 29, 2006
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western australia
I know this fully wacked out person who reckons that when their goldfish aren't looking too good she puts them in a cold coffee with only 3 grains of coffee and then they are active again and they are apparently 6 years old I think

if this does work, how?
and is it bad for the fish?
Clearly a direct descendant of those Victorian mothers who, when their children were crying, dosed them with opium.

It hasn't occurred to her to try to find out why her goldfish aren't looking good in the first place?
this is the silliest thing i have ever heard :/

i wouldnt want to be her fish poor thing,some people honestly :sly:
I've heard of this before... Although there are some rules. Pregnant fish can't have caffeine, so use decaf if you've got a fish you know is pregnant. Second, some fish like sugar, but no fish likes cream (other than the South American cream fish, which is rarely imported). Finally, the really cool fish like chai tea instead, so give that a shot if you think you have a fish that's too cool for, or doesn't like coffee.
really wouldnt want to risk it
I know this fully wacked out person who reckons that when their goldfish aren't looking too good she puts them in a cold coffee with only 3 grains of coffee and then they are active again and they are apparently 6 years old I think

if this does work, how?
and is it bad for the fish?

To be honest 6yrs old is no acheivement considering godlfish can live for decades, even into their 40's if well looked after. The coffee will only be shortening their life spans though, shocking their systems like that. Coffee contains natural pesticides and, really, should never be mixed with fish.
It would be like me dowsing you in sheep dip chemicals and saying "hey look, the human's swimming again!" :rolleyes: .
Generally speaking, most goldfish illnesses come down to poor living conditions. Not many people realise how many gallons these fish require to thrive or how much maintanence they need or how large they can get when well looked after etc.

You should tell this person to stop experimenting with home made random medicines, and instead do some research and start looking after their pets properly :nod: .
I've heard of this before... Although there are some rules. Pregnant fish can't have caffeine, so use decaf if you've got a fish you know is pregnant. Second, some fish like sugar, but no fish likes cream (other than the South American cream fish, which is rarely imported). Finally, the really cool fish like chai tea instead, so give that a shot if you think you have a fish that's too cool for, or doesn't like coffee.
It sounds like your just trying to stoke a fire here clay.

Why don't you put her straight in her ways...?
OMG You have got to put her straight , a few years ago some caffieine leaked into a river from a coca cola bottling plant in Germany and killed EVERYTHING upto 50 miles down stream.
50 miles!!!!!

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