coffee table fishtanks

Some of you are way over the top on this. Those things aren't that bad. Almost every single claim you've made so far can apply to a regular aquarium as well.

I don't think the things are practical but I'm not about to go off calling them cruel. It's rediculous.
I absolutely love these tables. I would definitely have one if I were rich enough and I would definitely put fish in. I probably wouldnt use it as a coffee table though. and before anyone says I am a bad fish owner, etc etc, other people buy them and obviously have no problem with their fish dying, if they did would the company still be in business? No.

Aquababies are bad and id never have that.

But those tables are beautiful.
I think the only problem with these tanks are people that use them inapropriately. If you kept small fish in there, and when they got to big moved them, what is the difference between that and a regular smaller tank?

I say that as long as it's filtered and has the regular requirements that a fish tank does it is not all that bad, so long as it is stocked and taken care of properly.

The price is ridiculous though. And, as far as the rubber dampers, the fish will still hear some, but I agree it is probably not very different than a normal fish tank with no dampers.

daino2004 - your reasons for not liking this tank is ridiculous. The site I saw said it was for coldwater, not tropical. It sounds like you dislike uninformed people more than you do the tank. People that overstocked something like this would do the same thing with a regular tank anyways.

Your only valid point was the sound issue, which is only half true anyways as a couple of us have pointed out.

If treated like the size of tank it is, there is little difference between this and a "typical" tank of the same size. The fish have room to swim, it isnt like the wall aquariums where there is little room, or the desktop tanks. Those are much worse than this.
That table is bigger than most peoples tanks on this forum. Many people also have their tanks on top of desks and in high traffic areas.

Also, if someone actually purchase that for that much money, table or not do you think they would cover with magazines and crap.

Many people on this forum has 1 gallon tanks all over their homes on bookshelves, kitchen counters, bathrooms, and other high traffic areas.

As long as it has filter, lighting it is okay, IMO
Fish get used to Haveing traffic noise around them its just jarring concussins that get them. However if you have your fish on the desk and you drop a book on the desk the fish will get just the same amount of vibration But that mistreatment of fish doesnt make any other mistreatment better.

As for condensation I think if you wer cleaver enought you could overcome it (a product like Aquapell would work and is fish safe)and for viewing from the top I like to take the top of my tank and watch my Zebra Danios.

But the sound is still a major issue And I feel that some meathod could be put into place to save the fish from the stres but I dont think I have seen and aquariums that have even come close. so by all means Hate mail away
canarsie11 said:
That table is bigger than most peoples tanks on this forum. Many people also have their tanks on top of desks and in high traffic areas.

Also, if someone actually purchase that for that much money, table or not do you think they would cover with magazines and crap.

Many people on this forum has 1 gallon tanks all over their homes on bookshelves, kitchen counters, bathrooms, and other high traffic areas.

As long as it has filter, lighting it is okay, IMO

People bump their aquariums all the time, mostly by accident I am sure. Or they slam doors on their stands. Or they drop heavy items. Or in some apartments they just walk. Any and all of these can cause vibrations. And let's not forget the people that put aquariums on their desk or in other high traffic areas. All of you are cruel!! At least by the standards some people seem to have. Personally I would never put an aquarium in my kitchen. It gets hot or greasy. Sometimes even smokey. People cook and eat in there and it is a busy place. This stresses fish. I'd be willing to bet that some people that go off about these types of aquariums have some of these "issues" themselves. People need to relax and think a bit before going off on a product that is not a typical rectangle fish tank. I agree that the type of people that properly stock and maintain "standard" aquariums would properly maintain and stock these as well. People who overstock, improperly stock, or are poor maintainers of their aquariums are going to do the same thing with these tables. Some "specialty" aquariums are clearly garbage and should not be bought. Just because these tanks are not typical rectangles doesn't make them inherently bad.

I quite like the coffee table one :unsure:

I wouldn't use it for that purpose though, it would make an ideal tank for my baby boy as he's too short to look into my other tanks properly. He could just sit on the floor or stand and look into it.
fish tank in the kitchen? No way! thats really unhygienic.

I dont see a problem with this. Everybody talks about the stress to the fish but what fish doesnt get stressed by living in a glass box? if its okay to put them in a glass box, surely its okay to put them in a different form of glass box?

wherever you put a tank the fish will be disturbed by the people moving around it, noise, TV, radio, traffic, etc.

I want one of these tables. Id happily pay that much for it if I had that much.
There is often a lot of foot traffic round coffee tables, plus stuff being put on and off them. You'll just end up with a tank full of very skitish fish.
A bit off topic but I'm just corious. How small are aquababies tanks? They look really small, and horrible. :sick:

I don't think the fish tank coffee tables are all that bad. I wouldn't buy one though, they cost way to much.
Magnolia_360 said:
A bit off topic but I'm just corious. How small are aquababies tanks? They look really small, and horrible. :sick:
Far too small. :(

One of the "tanks" is 4" x 6" x 5" which is half a gallon or around 2 litres but if you look at the pics, at least a third of that space is filled with gravel :no:
Stryker said:
There is often a lot of foot traffic round coffee tables, plus stuff being put on and off them. You'll just end up with a tank full of very skitish fish.
Not, true. I go past all of my tanks all he time and my fish aren't skittish, if anything they get excited and go to the top of the tank thinking it's feeding time.
Teelie said:
Not, true. I go past all of my tanks all he time and my fish aren't skittish, if anything they get excited and go to the top of the tank thinking it's feeding time.
I think there is a difference between walking past your tank a few times a day and the workout a coffee table gets.

Our table is constantly being used, for coffee cups, books, candles etc. Not to mention to put you feet up on.

The whole thing strikes me as very impractical.
Eve said:
I think there is a difference between walking past your tank a few times a day and the workout a coffee table gets.

Our table is constantly being used, for coffee cups, books, candles etc. Not to mention to put you feet up on.

The whole thing strikes me as very impractical.
Thank you Eve :thumbs:
Very nice to have you back :drool:

(oops wrong smiley, sorry Hun)
Teelie said:
Some of you are way over the top on this. Those things aren't that bad. Almost every single claim you've made so far can apply to a regular aquarium as well.

I don't think the things are practical but I'm not about to go off calling them cruel. It's rediculous.
i really agree with u on this teelie...I really cant see horrible things going on with this...they do state what u should put in it and how many...I have a basketball goal on my door and once i was jumping and accidently hit my 20 gallon and knwcked water out of it...i know it wasnt cool and u can bet i was scared but my fish didnt seem to mind...remember that waves are natural to most kinds of fish. :thumbs:

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