Co2 Kit

IF you didn't want to make your own then I would recomend the nutrafin system (£20). Instead of using the supplied ingredients, I would just put in the required amount of sugar and 1 teaspoon of yeast (from supermarket or wherever) into the capsuel. Also It may be an idea to refresh it every half week, to give more stable delivery.
I've just ordered the bits and bobs i need to make a DIY unit (two 2 litre bottles):

Airline - 60p
T-connector - 30p
Non-return valve - £1. 98
Aquarium silicone sealant - £2.99

= £5.87... bargain. :D

Edit: Bugger, i forgot to order an air stone as well. :fun: I knew there was something i'd forgotten. :lol:
Can diy ones be harmfull to fish?

No more harmful than a commercial yeast set, they do exactly the same thing. I had to switch to DIY for a while before I went pressurised on my RIO180, 2 nutrafins and a Dupla couldn't produce enough CO2 at a stable rate for such a large aquarium.

Of course, pressurised is considerably better...

Oh and don't bother with a normal air stone, the bubbles produced are too big. I used a lime wood diffuser as used in air driven protein skimmers in the marine side of the hobby. They produced much finer bubbles and are so more efficient.

I've just ordered the bits and bobs i need to make a DIY unit (two 2 litre bottles):

Airline - 60p
T-connector - 30p
Non-return valve - £1. 98
Aquarium silicone sealant - £2.99

= £5.87... bargain. :D

Edit: Bugger, i forgot to order an air stone as well. :fun: I knew there was something i'd forgotten. :lol:

Send back the silicone - it will halve yer cost :good:

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