Clownfish Sexing!


Fish Fanatic
Feb 7, 2010
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if u have one clownfish in a tank will it be male or will it dominate and turn female??
Cheerz guys I really do not know...the answer!!!

Kind regards,

Oohhhhhhhhh I wanted a male maroon clownfish anyway thanks guys!

By the way are these fish ok together:

1 maroon clownfish maybe 2
1 coral beauty
1 royal gramma
1 Fiji blue damsel fish

these are for my 150 ltr are there any other fish you could reccomend for my tank to go with these fish??
i have never added the two before but i think clownfish and damselfish will fight with each other
Oh kk thanks I think I will get a maroon!!
Oohhhhhhhhh I wanted a male maroon clownfish anyway thanks guys!

By the way are these fish ok together:

1 maroon clownfish maybe 2
1 coral beauty
1 royal gramma
1 Fiji blue damsel fish

these are for my 150 ltr are there any other fish you could reccomend for my tank to go with these fish??

why did you want a male? they look exactly the same except the females get bigger!

No that list isnt ok for 150L, maroons clowns get really big and shouldnt be in a tank that size. You would be better getting two perculas or occelaris clowns.

damsels are usually very aggressive, and are related to clowns so there could well be trouble with that one too
Oohhhhhhhhh I wanted a male maroon clownfish anyway thanks guys!

By the way are these fish ok together:

1 maroon clownfish maybe 2
1 coral beauty
1 royal gramma
1 Fiji blue damsel fish

these are for my 150 ltr are there any other fish you could reccomend for my tank to go with these fish??

i have a clownfish & a regal damsal & humbug damsel in the same tank and they dont bother with eachother!
i have a clownfish & a regal damsal & humbug damsel in the same tank and they dont bother with eachother!

Which sort of clowns ? I know Maroons can be very aggressive where as percs are a lot less aggressive + there is always one fish that does not act in the "normal" way like Angels that dont peck at corals :)

And if I rember correctly a pairshould be kept in no less than 50 Gallons and 1 can be kept in 30 Gallons as they will grow to 6" in captivity
Thanks guys male maroons are brighter than females and I just going to get 1 maroon clownfish
we have just got rid of a breeding pair of gold banded maroons, if anything the female looked brighter as her gold bands were bigger and were more obvious. Other than that their maroon colour was identicle
They had to go because they were crazily aggressive.
The behaviour of a single clown fish just does not look natural imo as they spend a lot of their time swimming in a corner looking at their reflection. I seriously think you should re-consider this as a 6" nutcase weather single or paired up is too much for 30 gallon tank imo. A pair look far better and show much more natural behaviour.

thanks for ur help

I think I will get some perculas or some pink skunks
where are you located?

UK? as TMC has some very cool skunks coming through not so long back. They were labled as chocolate clowns at my LFS, they were usual skunk coloured with a browny belly. very nice

i live in the uk in MANCHESTER and they sound really kwl!!! :good:

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