Clown Plec Hanging Near Surface


Fish Crazy
Jul 14, 2007
Reaction score
London, UK
Since yesterday my clown plec has been hanging near the surface - which is very unlike him, and this is exactly what my bn plec did just before he died. I tested the water yesterday and all stats were fine, Ammonia and Nitrite both 0, ph 8, Nitrate 15ppm.

I have bogwood in the tank for the plec to hide under and eat, and also feed on sinking algae tablets. I've tried deshelled peas incase he's constipated. But other than that i am at a complete loss. All the other tank inhabitants seem fine - including the cardinal tetras, dwarg gourmais and tiger barbs. The only new additions to the tank in the past 10 days have been 3 cardinal tetras and 2 new plants. Has anyone got any ideas/?
Is there enough Oxygen in the ttank?
Have you done a gravel vac?
Have you changed the water?
Is there enough algae?
Try feeding blood worms and cucumber that usually get my plec Happy and they also love Oak bark tabs at £16 a tub but well worth it
Yep, the tank has loads of 02 going into it, plus i added an air stone about 2 months ago. Tank was cleaned last week and the gravel was cleaned then. I'll try adding some cucumber and see if that helps. I'm wondering whether i should med the tank with an internal anti-bacterial med - just in case something is going on inside. Is that worth a go?
Yep, the tank has loads of 02 going into it, plus i added an air stone about 2 months ago. Tank was cleaned last week and the gravel was cleaned then. I'll try adding some cucumber and see if that helps. I'm wondering whether i should med the tank with an internal anti-bacterial med - just in case something is going on inside. Is that worth a go?

Sorry that would be way beyond what we are allowed to say on here as I am sure I have read if you do not know about meds do not advise. It is very difficult not seeing the plec and I think hang on in there and some experienced member will help. They maybe away the w/e but bu Monday you'll get a better reply.

My advice would be wait and see do not keep changing everything you have checked the necessary.

You maybe feeding or trying to much.

I'll keep looking to see how you get on.
Well there is definitely no improvement over the weekend. The clown plec normally hides under the bogwood, but over the weekend he has been out hanging near the surface. I really at a loss as to what could be happening. The other plec that i had was a bristlenose and he went the same way. That was 2 months ago and i immediately treated the tank with an internal anti-bac med to make sure that all the other fish were ok. This seemed to work well.

What could be doing this to my plec? It cant be just bad luck that ive had 1 plec die and the other looks like he is going the same way. Could it be the bogwood in the tank - or possibly algae?
Please help
Is this the same plec on another thread?
Did you taker him to the vets?
Could be the possible begginings of a swim bladder problem, when you say hanging at the surface is his belly facing upwards or can he still hang onto the glass?
I dont think it is swim bladder as he can attach himself to the glass. Looking at the symptons it looks like he could be hanging on the water line because of a lack og oxygen in the water - but i know this cant be true as i have an air pump and there is lots of surface disruption.
Could there be too much movement or O2?

No there was another thread
in emergencies I have got confused by.
I've managed to get a pic tonight of the clown plec. When i got home he was on the water line again, but now he's moved. Really dont know whats going on with him


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The temp is between 25-26C. I've managed to take some more pics which are a little closer. Dont know if this helps. As you can see he is pretty near the top of the tank

This is the same pic but i have zoomed in.
When i first got my two clown plecs, they used to stay near the top all the time, laying on top of the filter or stuck to the side of it - right at the top of the tank. Theyd be up there for ages and rarely venture off it.

Unfortunately i lost one a week later, but the other i have is still going strong. Clown plecs are very shy little fella's i think, now that i have this tank mine is always hiding, only comes out at night. Maybe he has just found a quiet spot that he likes where he wont be bothered by other fish?

I know the picture isnt detailed enough, but he looks okay, looks the same as mine when hes resting.

Is he eating okay? Mine loves catfish pellets that i feed my corys, along with algae wafers and cucumber.
yes he is very small mine used to hang on the side then too. They also like a safe empty log or something to hide in.

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