Clown loaches. what do they eat.


Fish Crazy
Apr 9, 2004
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got 3 clown loaches in my tank.

how do i feed them?

im lucky to see them once a day for a few seconds i dont wont them to strave.

Dont even know where they hide. look every where and cant find them. there about 3.5 inches long so not small.
I use variety wafers and small granules which sink to the bottom.

How old is your tank?
When did you get the clown loaches?
What other fish are in there?

If it is an established tank which I'd hope it is if you have added Clown loaches then there will be plenty of food for them to forage on, just because you cant see food all around doesnt mean it isnt there. They are happy to scavange amongts the gravel for food.

If you have only just added them it is quite normal for them to hide for a few days before they start getting used to the tank.

Throw in a few sinking tabs 30 minutes after you turn the light off.
They will also come out for frozen treats.

BTW clowns LOVE small snails.
I feed all my Loaches roughly 5 mins before lights out. They are feed; two types of sinking pellets, cucumber, brine shrimp, bloodworms and Peas as well as other foods like Flakes, Algae Wafers and more. :)
Mine eat whenever I feed them. I must have very good fish, my kuhlis and plecs come out for daytime feeds as well. They eat flakes that are sinking and catfish pellets. They also love algae wafers and bloodworm. They get lettuce, melon, cucumber and peas too.
I got the same sort of clown loaches as u by the sound of it Cossack :(

A chunk of weighted-down cucumber is the only thing I really see them eat although the braver one of my 4 did have a bloodworm feast the other day that I tried to tempt my plec with. Hes another fish that wont come out to play........... :unsure:

Oh, and they will forage around for granular food that sinks to te bottom. i use Promin (medium)

HTH :flowers:
yeah, in my experience with Clown Loaches, they will find plenty of food in the gravel/sand. But they do love Bloodworm. Mine took about 2-3 months to really get bold enough to come out into the open, but they will feed from my hand now when I put bloodworm in. I actually had one swim into the palm of my hand today to get at the cube of bloodworm as I was letting it defrost in the tank!!! Greedy gits!!!
Yeah, my clownies are very shy....all I need to do is move too quickly near the tank and they scuttle away...though there is one which I call the boss fish who will always be out he is making sure there is no danger for the other two....

Mine don't like the action of me opening the tank when I feed them, I put the food in the filter (HOB type) it pushes the food out without disturbing the shy loaches.....that way they get their food and no stress.....and they are always foraging the bottom for food when it is not feeding time....

they LOVE bloodworms the most but will eat anything I feed them....they even fend off the electric yellows for algae tablets and the like!!
my clowns are the men with there ferocious clicking sounds and dashes for freedom into the lounge room. they are also addicted to chocolate
I didnt see my clown loaches eat till the 2nd week... for some it takes a while before they get used to the tank... I feed them sinking pellets, lettuce and brine shrimps..they go crazy when i put frozen food...
My clowns eat everything mentioned, pellets, wafers,veggies,meats. They love,looove bananas though (so do my african cichlids :rolleyes: )

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