Clown Fish And Guppies

Tom Fox

New Member
Jan 17, 2011
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I am a student on an animal course and I have to do an assignment on the feeding strategies and requirements of different fish. I was wondering if anybody could give me any information on the feeding strategies of Clown Fish and Guppies in the wild? I can find basic information, but that's it really. I can't find anything on whether they feed separately or in groups. I also can't find out if they are bottom, middle or top feeders. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
It's easy to tell where fish feed from; just look at their mouths; this will tell you that guppies feed from the top and clown loaches from the bottom :)

I don't know so much about the loach, but I can tell you that guppies form a loose shoal and eat mostly mosquito and other insect larvae. They're sometimes known as 'mosquito fish' because of this and have been inroduced into areas that suffer from malaria outbreaks to eat the mosquito larvae and help control the spread of the disease.

Hope this helps :)
guppy's feed on the top but will eat food it find anywhere, where as a loache is a bottom feeder
This is really useful. :) I knew that you should look at the mouth of a fish to see what type of feeder it is, up=top, forward=middle, down=bottom. I just thought it was best that I checked with people who knew what they were on about to ensure that I didn't get it wrong. If anybody knows about the Clownfish and its social habits whilst eating this would be appreciated. Thank you for your help.
i know it is social and you need more than 1 :good:


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so we've all assumed hes talking about clown loach then ? :rolleyes:
so we've all assumed hes talking about clown loach then ? :rolleyes:

Sorry, I must have mislead everyone. I was referring to the marine clownfish. As this is a tropical forum you may not be able to tell me much on this subject. Although if anyone does have any information it will be greatly appreciated. :)
Clownfish feed from the middle but mine also comes to the top to feed too. Their mouths are forward. (marine clown.

Hope that helps you.
I am just forming my essay on guppies at the moment. I have found the information on the Internet quite useless to be honest. Would someone mind giving me a lowdown on the habitat of a guppy as well as some information on habits and behaviour. Reading an earlier post I assume that they live in small social and breeding groups? Thank you everyone for your help so far. :)

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