Hi, my aquarium is approx two months old and since set up has had a brown tint to the water. Initially thought it was from the wood and/or substrate, but is still present after two months. Be interested if others think thus could still be tannins or its something else? Algae, bacteria?
Ammonia = 0
Nitrites = 0
pH = 6.8
Temp = 24°
KH = 2.5 dkh
Phosphate (in case anyone was wondering) , PO4-P)= 0.25 mg/l
Size = 240l
Filter=internal Ciano bioflow xl with 2x bio bact and 2x cler and protect plus Coarse and normal sponges
Fish: 5x Black emperor tetra; 7x albino x-ray tetra; 4x cardinal tetra; 8x smudge spot corydoras; 4x venezuelan orange corydoras; 2x honey gourami.
Ammonia = 0
Nitrites = 0
pH = 6.8
Temp = 24°
KH = 2.5 dkh
Phosphate (in case anyone was wondering) , PO4-P)= 0.25 mg/l
Size = 240l
Filter=internal Ciano bioflow xl with 2x bio bact and 2x cler and protect plus Coarse and normal sponges
Fish: 5x Black emperor tetra; 7x albino x-ray tetra; 4x cardinal tetra; 8x smudge spot corydoras; 4x venezuelan orange corydoras; 2x honey gourami.