Cloudy tank

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This is what I have been told. Tank was installed with a page of instructions.
Fill tank until u see the water go up to the black line on the side of the tank
Seangee might have a point. The filter compartment in the back doesn't have to be full but you need enough water in the tank for it to flow into the filter. If the overflow (where the water flows from the tank into the filter) is higher on one side compared to the other side, then most of the water will go over the lower side.

One option for that would be to seal off one side so it doesn't get used at all, and simply have all the water going through the other section. Then the return pump can push the water out at the opposite end of the tank to the filter.

The instructions suggest it is a wet/ dry trickle filter. Basically part of the filter is underwater, but most of the materials are out of water. However, the material that is out of water has water flowing through it continuously. This allows more air to mix with the water as it goes through the materials and you have more oxygen in the water.

It's a simple but effective design but there is something that isn't working properly in your system. It could be the lack of filter materials or the fact you replace them. But adding sponges and white filter matt should fix the problem in a few weeks :)
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Why would the water flow be uneven? I mean that's pretty pathetic
I think I might see if there is a blockage tomorrow
I actually fill mine directly into the back when I do water changes. Try topping it up in the back. The level in the tank won't rise until the level in the back is higher. Obviously keep an eye the first time you do this to ensure there is no flooding in case there are any blockages.
Why would the water flow be uneven? I mean that's pretty pathetic
The overflow only has to be 1mm lower to cause more water to go down the lower filter chamber. It could be from manufacturing or even algae build up.

If you do fill the trickle filter up completely, you will need to increase surface turbulence in the main tank. If the filter chambers are full of water then you won't get the air and water mixing as it drips over the filter materials, and you will have less oxygen in the water.

However, if you ever go away for a week or so, you can fill the filter chambers up so the tank won't need topping up while you're away :)
Why would the water flow be uneven? I mean that's pretty pathetic
If everything was perfectly designed and working properly the pump would push water back into the tank at exactly the same speed as it trickles out. Any faster and the filter would empty, or run dry. Any slower and there may be a risk of flooding the chamber. (it won't actually flood because it would only go in as fast as it is being pumped out if the chamber was completely full).

So if you raise the water in the filter chamber by a few inches the water level inside should remain constant - at least in theory.
This is what I have been told. Tank was installed with a page of instructions.
Fill tank until u see the water go up to the black line on the side of the tank
Just a thought - does it say if you should do this with the pump on or off? It would make a difference.
I fill tank to near full with power off. I turn on and I watch the water sink a couple of inches below the line . I then continue to fill until it reaches the line
Hi all I have been rinsing my filter pads twice a week . Tank is clear
Good to hear the tank has cleared. Nothing worse than spending money on something that looks like a bottle of milk instead of clear water :)

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