Cleaner Shrimp Problem

how exactly did you acclimate him? I find the only way to safely acclimate shrimp is by dripping. Usually when you temp shock a shrimp they do the opposite of acting stunned. They twitch and jump everywhere.
I did the floating method. I am going to get another later this weak.
Did you check for param differences between the bag water and tank water prior to starting acclimation?
Google it or ask your LDS. You just need air line hose and a bucket. You just put the fish in a bucket below the tank and use the hose to siphon water from the tank into the bucket the tie a knot in the hose so that the water flow slows down to about one or two drips per second. Do that with fish and ESPECIALLY inverts. He'll I even drip live rock
Google it or ask your LDS. You just need air line hose and a bucket. You just put the fish in a bucket below the tank and use the hose to siphon water from the tank into the bucket the tie a knot in the hose so that the water flow slows down to about one or two drips per second. Do that with fish and ESPECIALLY inverts. He'll I even drip live rock

spot on :)

also never put water from the fish shop in your tank

many shops have copper in their water
Btw, sorry for the typos, I've been posting from my ipod :p but yeah, ADDING THE WATER FROM THE FISH STORE DOES NOT EQUAL ADDING NEW SALT WATER (i.e. a water change)...when I first started I would just take out a few cups of water from the tank and then add the fish store water and think "ahhh a water change...sweet." wrong. wrong. wrong. You can get air line tubing from fish stores or from walmart or anywhere really for like $1. It's one of the best investments you can make. It may also be wise to turn the lights off in the aquarium during the process...also sometimes I float the bag for about 15 minutes just to get the temp right before pouring the fish into the bucket.
What do you mean, like test the water in the bag?

Yes. If the bag water and tank water are significantly different, you'll risk shocking the animal if you change out too much of the water at one time. That's why dripline acclimation is needed for sensitive inverts (like shrimp).

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