Clarius Tankmates?


Fish Herder
Aug 31, 2005
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Hi, i have an option to get one or two of these fish, now i know they are aggressive, and will try to eat just about anything they can so i am wondering about my current fish, its by no means a timid tank but just need some clarification please. current stock list;

1xElectric Blue Jack Dempsey
1xGold Saum
1xOrnate Bichiir
2xClown Loaches
3xHoplos (these are definately going if I get them )

Anything there going to be able to hold its own?

Thanks Vinny
Anything there going to be able to hold its own?

In a word, No

Clarius are known for being fin eaters and can corner and strip fish as big as Oscars of their fins, IME They will also mercilessly attack and chase fish until they are seperated.

Not a sociable fish, thats for sure
Thanks for the reply Davo, I am gonna let Nelly know on this by tonight so I am guessing looking at that, its a strict no!
The tank is 180gallons and the only 3 I really wanted to keep was the jack dempsey and the Green terror, oh an the Ornate.

Thanks Vinny
hi . strongly i would say do not get a clarius my husband was miss sold a baby one around 4 inches in size and even at that size it managed to kill his huge oscar, the clarius has now gone back to the lfs and got a full refund and a new baby oscar , ive done a lot of reading on this fish past week or so , they grow huge would even say a 6ft tank would not be big enough in the long run, they can live for around 72 hours out of water , also to make sure you have a tight lid as they will leave the water if the water condidtions are not right and in search for food, this fish shouldnt be kept with any other as it will eat fish even bigger than itself , there are a lot of mixed views on these they are truly amazing to watch but i would not say it is a good tank fish, so would be a species only tank.
Hasn't someone on here got one in with some other fish ? remeber seing a vid of someone's tank and one was is in there.
old post anyhow probably irrelevant for Vinny as well but I agree having owned a 17 inch clarias in the past that these are amazingly active and interesting fish to keep but you can;t have tankmates with them as they batter all that live with them,in my experience at all
Old post I know but for info -

I have 2 clarias - 1 x18" and 1x 15" kept with 2 kissing gourami since I got them and until recently 3 opaline gourami with no problems (they've not eaten the opalines, I rehomed them to make room for my Oscars) the only fish these 2 will not tolerate is any bottom dwellers - no plecs/catfish or bichir in this tank!

They are amazing, friendly, easy to hand tame fish very fun to keep.

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