Clamped Fins?

have had them for a while they were fought and now look fully healed.

they have been in the tank a while too

they havent lost their appetite
i doubt anyone could ID anything from those videos. there's so much crazy in here.
Ummm, I don't know what made you think it was aimed at you Love4Aquatic, but I can assure you, it was most definitely NOT aimed at you, sorry for any offence you have taken.
Ummm, I don't know what made you think it was aimed at you Love4Aquatic, but I can assure you, it was most definitely NOT aimed at you, sorry for any offence you have taken.

haha love4 devorax meant 4444 trolls are people who enter forums and post to cause an argument or some trouble for fun.. note 4444 is a newbie as well best not to react to it. I always find it amusing they dont have anything better to do!
Umm, reluctantly seconded, as I didn't want to point fingers, but they did say something on another thread (namely the topic on Disgusting tank 'bowls' sorted out rightfully by Bronzecat) that was also very flammable. You'll find it amongst the top few articles in the betta section.
Yes, they do exist. I am sure that they have better things to do with their time, but sadly they resort to things like this. Now if everyone concerned wouldn't mind, please can we get on topic and sort out Love4's query? Ta.

EDIT:_Which, sadly, I am unable to do cos I don't have enough experience yet -_-
um, lol. how am i trolling? i'm participating as much as any other average member, granted i don't devote my heart and soul to this hobby. i'm not shoving my opinions down anyone's throat. why so SERIOUS, devorax?
Right. I will say this once and once only to you 'rrrr'. It has been noticed by myself and others that your comments appear mid-way throughout threads that detract from the current discussion, and for the most part seem to be inflammatory and they get some kind of reaction from others. Whilst I do appreciate the right to 'Free Speech' there also has to be taken in to consideration the relevancy of anything said and the effect that the content will have on the resultant input to the discussion.
I believe Bellpepper had something to say on this matter too in direct response to a comment left by yourself on another thread. Whilst I will never replicate that degree of quality arguement that Bellpepper did to defend their position, I do agree with much of what they said.

How some of your posts have avoided the Mods attentions, I will never know. But the key thing to remember is this:-
You are currently posting in the Betta sub-forum. Generally speaking, people in this section of TFF have a more attached sentiment to their fish. Generally speaking, most people on here would never agree with the statement that 'a fish is just a fish, there are worse thing going on'. Whilst you are totally true, there are worse things going on in the world right now, right here in this microcosm of this forum, you are wrong. People come on here to share their experiences, offer advice, give help, give constructive criticism where it's due. We are not here to discuss the global economy, or that war in whatever place right now that just had the worst human attrocities.
This is a BETTA subforum, people come on here to discuss all things betta and share things that are positive, and help things that are not so. You can expect a rough ride from anyone that feels for their fish in the same way that people feel for their dog, IF you say a dog is just a dog/ a fish is just a fish.

I'd like to believe that a while lot of people on this forum are here because they love their fish. I think you'll find this is true. So whilst you are free to make comments that are in your opinion accurate, in the arena that is a betta sub-forum, you'll find that the accuracy of such comment may be off-target.

I trawl these pages everyday, in all sections, learning everything I possibly can from the sections that are relevant to me. Do you? I am still learning, I honestly believe I will never stop learning, do you?

Please, for the sake of any future thread that you contribute to, consider the current feeling of emotions running through people's posts. IF you have something positive to add, please do so. IF you have something that you disagree about that no-one else seems to, keep it to yourself. You will get far that way. Otherwise, I feel that sooner or later you may not be able to post on this forum.

And to finalise, I myself not that long ago thought that a fish is just a fish. It wasn't until I owned some that I realised it was much much more than that. Now I just want to be the best fishkeeper I can be. I hope you have experienced this revelation, if not, I pray it happens soon.

I have nothing more to add on public boards now in response to you directly.
I will, however, PM you 'rrrr' with questions that are not appropriate for public boards.

To the original poster:- Please forgive me for adding this post, but I did feel it was necessary, and feel free to refer this post to the Moderators for them to review if necessary.

TO ALL:- End of, on this type of discussion, from me, with anyone excepting the Moderators or anyone "new" that comes to our world.
I think rrrr's comments are great, and that SHE is only participating as a member and letting his view be seen. I also couldnt make out anything from those videos, so maybe get off his back?

You cant say someone is trolling because the OP has poor video quality.....

Also Betta or any other fish with clamped things means something is distressing them, as your water quality checked out then id be looking for disease. You could also assume that the Betta just isnt a flashy Betta like some
Since to answer 'Ace Of Spades' would divulge in to entering an arguement which has nothing to do with the OP's original query, I shall decline to answer that member directly. However, I would point out that you emphasise 'SHE' and then contradict yourself with 'his'. In all honesty I have nothing more to add publicly with this present trend of discussion on this thread.
Feel free to PM me on any issue, any member.

NOW WILL SOMEONE PLEASE try to get to the bottom of the OP's query?
Since to answer 'Ace Of Spades' would divulge in to entering an arguement which has nothing to do with the OP's original query, I shall decline to answer that member directly. However, I would point out that you emphasise 'SHE' and then contradict yourself with 'his'. In all honesty I have nothing more to add publicly with this present trend of discussion on this thread.
Feel free to PM me on any issue, any member.

NOW WILL SOMEONE PLEASE try to get to the bottom of the OP's query?

Typical, Actually the reason I emphasised SHE was because I got it wrong in the first place and thought she was a he. So I went back and edited it, I must have missed out the his.

I think you are the one who has contradicted yourself, you chose to divert the thread by confronting rrrr in the thread rather then going straight to PM and consulting her, just to show what a mighty guy you are that you can bully people infront of people.....


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