Cichlid Tank

Okay thanks very much.

Will let you know how i get on and hopefully be posting pics soon.


I have a Rainbow,very pretty but very shy fish.

He and my Green Acara (which are pretty much identical to Blue Acaras minus a orange stripe on the fin) do not even interact,My Firemouth hates my Rainbow tho and gives him a hard time.
OK Cheers Guys,

Just for arguments sake; Which of the following would be a better choice?

Blue Acara
Rainbow Cichlid
Albino Rainbow Shark
Shoal Serpae Tetra


Blue Acara
Rainbow Cichlid
Keyhole Cichlid
Shoal Serpae Tetra

So swapping the shark for another cichlid?

3 Cichlids is obviously upping the aggression levels and territorial disputes. But maybe 3 relatively peaceful cichlids would be a better combo than 2 cichlids and a possibly aggressive shark?


I prefer the second one, keyholes are very peaceful, i don't know about rainbows, and blue acaras...well what can i say, BEAUTIFUL. A school of serpae tetras would look great aswell, what colour background do you have for the tank?
Swapping the shark was a good idea as they are just so unpredictable.
I havent actually got the tank yet, im getting it next week.

Going for black background, natural coloured gravel and slate caves.

Cheers mate, will go for second option i think.
Probably 3 or 4 Java Fern randomly placed about (see how long they last! Lol)

Im thinking 2 large slate caves ( 1 each end) and a large piece of bogwood in the middle.

You reckon that choice of cichlids should work out well? All purchased and raised from young.

Also just to get an idea of how over/under stocked i will be, what would the MINIMUM tank size be for this stock list?


That choice of cichlids should work fine, i'm hoping to buy a 6ft tank soon and will be using the same cichlids as you.

What quantitys will you be having in your 6 foot? You having anything other than cichlids in there?

Hi all,

Sorry to re-open an old (ish) thread, and hope im not annoying people with my vast questions and various stocking lists!

However, I am thinking about dropping one of the cichlids (rainbow or keyhole) and adding a few yoyo loach instead.

So it will be...

1 x Blue Acara
1 x Rainbow Cichlid OR Keyhole Cichlid
1 x BN Pleco
8 x Serpae Tetra
4 x YoYo Loach

Any comments welcome?


Your not annoying anybody, its always good to ask 1st rather than discover problems later on :)

Stocking looks fine to me, I dont know anything about loaches, but none of those cichlids listed would cause a problem to them.

Thanks very much,

As ive said before, i would hate to be the guy who stocks his tank wrong then gets thought badly of, and has to re-stock, or worse stunts growth of potentially stunning fish etc.

I was thinking that the YoYos would probably keep out of the way most of the time anyway, the BN will probably claim a cave, the Blue acara will probably claim the big cave and the keyhole should be pretty peaceful and just chill :)

Thats the plan anyway, Lol

I see you have your stocking pretty much settled, but just to add something for you to consider... You've toyed with the rainbow vs. keyhole idea, and if it were me, I think I'd go with the rainbow just in case the acara gets aggressive. I think the rainbow would hold up better than the keyhole would in that situation. Also, rainbow are VERY personable and active in the tank, which is a real plus. I don't know if the orange strain of rainbow can be found where you are, but those are SERIOUSLY attractive fish!

You also dropped the idea of an EBJD early on. They are problematic since they are often prone to illness/death, but they are absolutely beautiful, don't tend to get excessively large, and are generally mild-mannered fish. If I could find one at 3" or larger, with good conformation, at a decent price, I'd much prefer that over the acara.
I have a Cichlid community in a tank not alot bigger than that.....Personally if your going to have a community in a tank that size,stick to more placid Cichlids rather than things like JD's,Texas,Convicts etc.

Even my Firemoth is becoming a nuisance in my stocking is..

3 x Severum (1 x Gold,1 x Turquoise,1 x Banded,heros efasciatus)
1 x Female Kribensis (Pelvicachromis pulcher)
1 x Green Acara (Aequidens coeruleopunctatus)
1 x Rainbow Cichlid (Herotilapia multispinosa)
1 x Pearl Eartheater (Geophagus brasiliensis)
2 x Angel Fish (1 x Koi,1 x Black,Pterophyllum scalare)
1 x Blue Gourami (Trichogaster trichopterus)
1 x Firemouth Cichlid (Thorichthys meeki)
1 x Sail fin Plec (Glyptoperichthys gibbiceps)
3 x bosemani rainbowfish (Melanotaenia boesemani)
3 x Red Rainbowfish (Glossolepis incisus)
3 x Clown Loach (Chromobotia macracanthus)
Um... Gee that seems like a whole lot of fish in a 100g tank! And yes, firemouth can be obnoxious; I'm surprised your sevs don't have him towing the line though.
Nah Firemouths are alot more aggressive that Sevs imo!!

Anyway I got rid of him now and my Green Sev which had to be rehomed at some point,my stocking is like this now...

2 x Severum (1 x Gold,1 x Banded,heros efasciatus)
2 x Festivum (Mesonauta festivus)
2 x Blue Acara (Aequidens Latifrons + Pulcher)
1 x Female Kribensis (Pelvicachromis pulcher)
1 x Rainbow Cichlid (Herotilapia multispinosa)
1 x Pearl Eartheater (Geophagus brasiliensis)
2 x Angel Fish (1 x Koi,1 x Black,Pterophyllum scalare)


1 x Blue Gourami (Trichogaster trichopterus)
1 x Sail fin Plec (Glyptoperichthys gibbiceps)
3 x bosemani rainbowfish (Melanotaenia boesemani)
3 x Red Rainbowfish (Glossolepis incisus)
3 x Clown Loach (Chromobotia macracanthus)

Most of the cichlids are Juvis right now,I have a adult Sev and 2 Adult Angels the rest are babys :p

It is quite alot of fish,its running on 2 large external filters tho and may rehome stuff later when it gets bigger.

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