If you could have ANY fish tank setup with ANYTHING, what would it be?

This is pure fantasy, like most things involving money. But I would like to make a continuous tank, L shaped, in a fair sized sun room. The tank would only be about 18 inches deep, and 2 feet front to back. With rockwork, creative glass cutting and siliconing, it would flow in one direction, with an intake at the end sending the water back to the head of the stream. This would be an African stream tank, and with planning, would have zones. Parts would be shallow, with plants growing out above the surface shading it. I might even have planters with tropical plants behind the tank. In the shallows, I'd have Aphyosemion killies and Enteromius barbs. In the deep sections, I would have Pelvicachromis kribensis (not kribs, which are the larger P pulcher) pairs, and lampeye killies. It would be, oh, 16 to18 feet long in total.


I used to commute an hour each way to work, from the city to the country. You have time to overthink on winter highways...
180 gallons, heavily planted, with a sand substrate (and perhaps something else to help the plants grow).
X50 green neon tetras
X3 pairs apistogramma cacatoides
X1 albino bristlenose pleco
X15 panda cories
I’ve already done one with the peacocks and haps on page one but I have another idea. When I was first researching plecos and fish I could put in my tank and just to gain knowledge I guess, I absolutely fell in love with the zebra pleco but they are really rare 😢 it would probably be a 100 gallon and maybe It would either be a species only tank or maybe with a schooling fish of 30 or some rainbow fish, just something I’ve never kept to try something different.
I had 350 cardinals for a while, in a planted 75. I sold them off in lots of 50, then had to rehome the remaining ones when I moved.It is really something to see.
This is pure fantasy, like most things involving money. But I would like to make a continuous tank, L shaped, in a fair sized sun room. The tank would only be about 18 inches deep, and 2 feet front to back. With rockwork, creative glass cutting and siliconing, it would flow in one direction, with an intake at the end sending the water back to the head of the stream. This would be an African stream tank, and with planning, would have zones. Parts would be shallow, with plants growing out above the surface shading it. I might even have planters with tropical plants behind the tank. In the shallows, I'd have Aphyosemion killies and Enteromius barbs. In the deep sections, I would have Pelvicachromis kribensis (not kribs, which are the larger P pulcher) pairs, and lampeye killies. It would be, oh, 16 to18 feet long in total.


I used to commute an hour each way to work, from the city to the country. You have time to overthink on winter highways...
I like the idea of tanks with different habitat zones, so the fish can sort themselves out and live where they want, just like they do in nature. Maybe I'll do that with my impossible Wyoming tank, too.
I like the idea of tanks with different habitat zones, so the fish can sort themselves out and live where they want, just like they do in nature. Maybe I'll do that with my impossible Wyoming tank, too.
I think a lot of us would love to have tropical streams with glass sides for observation running through our backyards, if we have backyards. A tropical moat around the house, so I could look out the basement windows at a wee slice of Africa would be a luxury. Can't see how with these Canadian winters...

It's a darned shame the moat industry has fallen on hard times.
I think a lot of us would love to have tropical streams with glass sides for observation running through our backyards, if we have backyards. A tropical moat around the house, so I could look out the basement windows at a wee slice of Africa would be a luxury. Can't see how with these Canadian winters...

It's a darned shame the moat industry has fallen on hard times.
We used to talk about building a pond up against the side of the house, then replacing the basement wall with glass so we could see into it. Keeping the glass clean from algae would require scuba gear, and diving certification is expensive, so we decided not to do it.
I always wanted a pond big enough to snorkel in , that was clear filtered water, that I could aquascape, & put native ( & maybe some not so native ) Minnesota fish... a slug of blue gills & sun fish, crappies, some bass & perch, & a few predator fish, like a few pike... an immersive aquarium experience...

otherwise if you are talking actual tanks... I actually applied for the aquarium curator job at one of the Cabelas ( outdoor sporting goods), 15 years ago, back when I was into fish previously... they have several floor to ceiling aquariums with game fish in, that you can walk down the middle, with tanks on both sides... pretty cool effect, I always wanted something similar, & used to dream of building my own
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I'd like a donut shaped tank 3 metres in diameter. The inner ring a metre in diameter as a place to stand when carrying out maintenance.

Full of south american dwarf cichlids and huge shoals of corydoras and tetras, heavily planted with fairly easy plants such as jungle val, jave fern, anubias and tiger lotus. loads of bogwood and leaf/botanical litter.
I like the idea of tanks with different habitat zones, so the fish can sort themselves out and live where they want, just like they do in nature. Maybe I'll do that with my impossible Wyoming tank, too.
That sort of set up would lend itself very well to a donut tank.
A 5,000 gallon tank with ONE neon tetra.

Nah I'm kidding, but probably a 100 gallon Betta sorority tank with neon tetras, ember Tetras, and some other tetras. Or a outdoor pond, Serpa-Design style.
My dream tank is a 360g Asian themed com tank. Centrepiece fish would be a red tailed giant gourami with bala's, clown loach, filament barbs and several other dithers....
Oh wait, silly me....that's exactly what I have already!!

Moral of the story kids, if you have a dream.....turn it into reality, within reason of course.
My dream tank is a 360g Asian themed com tank. Centrepiece fish would be a red tailed giant gourami with bala's, clown loach, filament barbs and several other dithers....
Oh wait, silly me....that's exactly what I have already!!

Moral of the story kids, if you have a dream.....turn it into reality, within reason of course.
Could you put up a picture of what that looks like!!! I haven’t seen it and it sounds super cool. I am planning on doing a koi pond and maybe adding some different things like clown or dojo loaches or a Chinese high fin banded shark, but they get super big!

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