Hi Cichlidmaster,
thanks for your views.
I've been down the LFS on a research visit since I posted:
Aulonocara sp. do not need to be crowded, they are peaceful by nature. Some "peacocks can get to be 5"+. While there are ones that stay around 4-4.5", they will not be found much smaller than this.
They seem a little large for my tank when seen in real life. On paper, an inch or half an inch doesn't seem much, but they are deep-bodied and rather chunky, aren't they? How much swimming space do they need?
The male leleupi will eventually kill all but maybe a female, and then only if he chooses to mate with her.
Yes, this is what the LFS guy told me. He felt a similar coloured fish, something he called a "yellow lab" might be more suitable. I assume a "yellow lab" in one of the "Labidochromis sp."? In which case, it grows to about 4", which is the upper limi for my tank, I feel. There was a similar species that was bluey coloured. I wondered if they would be compatible. The guy said they were the easy temprements of all the African cichlids.
Due to aggression problems, I was encouraged to consider a few individuals or pairs of different species, rather than a couple of large groups. It's rather different from tetras etc., isn't it?
Oh, and Terrance the Zebra cichlid has gone to a new home
Apparently, loads of customers have been asking about him but as they said, the 2" display tank was far too small for him long-term.
Another species I liked the look of was Neolamprologus tetrocephalus, but I was told I should probably not consider more than one individual.
The guy was really pushing shell-dwellers, but I got the impression they like a species tank (?). They have a lot of them at the LFS and they seemed quite small, so maybe. I liked the ones he described as "bandits" (they had black face markings). The shells they had looked pretty cool, too. Unfortunately, I can't find them in Baensch. It's annoying that species aren't grouped by location in the world!
When you mention dwarf Melanotaenia, which species are you refering to?
There's only one I can find specifically referred to as "Dwarf rainbowfish" and it's Melanotaenia maccullochi. I wanted something that would school, which would not also be lunch for my cichlids!
When time permits I will be happy to list some species for you that would fit nicely in this size tank.
Thanks but please don't worry too much - I enjoy all the planning and discussion. It's almost a shame when I put a plan into action!