Cichlid advice

OK nevermind. the red devil's cool. It's the red parrot I hate, IMO it's ugly as sin. It has evolved to the point where it no longer looks like a fish lol. It's colouration is quite attractive, but I don't like it's shape. Not at all streamlined, and it seems to have difficulty moving. if you disagree please say so, I won't put you down for voicing your opinions. Anyway, back to the topic at hand. I kinda like the idea of a texas/dempsey/red devil combo. Would one each fit in a 75 gallon?
Also, can i add my 3 clown loaches to this tank when they get bigger? I don't think they will fit in my 46 gallon forever.
you shouldnt have to pay 510 for a tank, is there some kind of trading post or second hand newspaper thing were people sell there junk? Thats the best place, i got my last 75 gal for $75 australian. Thats cheap as, there were heaps of other good prices as well on tanks up to 10ft for $450 to give you an idea (true i didnt see it so couldnt comment on its quality).
Of course I'll shop around some more before buying anything, but I think that tank comes with most of the stuff you need.

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