Cichlid advice

I didn't say very shy, just mine does like to hide away every now and then.
Oscars can get up to about 15" Severums about 10", Convicts about 5-6", Jags about 12".
Another couple worth looking at are Jack Dempseys (10") and green terrors (10") both of these are right up there on the aggression scale!!!
OK convicts are outta the picture then. they are too small, I don't want them to be harassed too much. I want to match them up equally in size and aggression. So oscars, severums, green terrors, and jack dempseys would work?
A male Jag hits about 15" and i have pics to prove it, a female will hit about 13". I wouldnt get one for the fact when they get picked on the other fish seems to always end up dead.
rvm said:
I didn't say very shy, just mine does like to hide away every now and then.
Oscars can get up to about 15" Severums about 10", Convicts about 5-6", Jags about 12".
Another couple worth looking at are Jack Dempseys (10") and green terrors (10") both of these are right up there on the aggression scale!!!
So does mine, I'm just saying it would be hard to find a shy severum that gets freaked out by people instead of waiting to be fed :p How about a salvini? Those are very mean :p Don't get a pair though :no:
David said:
OK convicts are outta the picture then. they are too small, I don't want them to be harassed too much. I want to match them up equally in size and aggression. So oscars, severums, green terrors, and jack dempseys would work?
I dunno if you could put all those in a 100g especially if you're having 2 oscars, but a combination of them would be OK! That would be a very nice tank as well!! Just be aware that they are all aggressive fish and they'll establish territories, so if you add say the oscars and then try to add the Severum, you may have some struggles with aggression from the already established territory. That's the problem I had when I tried to add Sajicas to my Sev's tank!! You can overcome it by moving the decor around a bit when you add new fish.
Let us know how you get on, and post some pics when you get it set up. I'd love to see it!! :D
Ok so how would this be: in 100 gallon tank: 2 oscars, 1 severum, and 2 convicts ( I changed my mind about them after visiting LFS today to buy Discus, they're cool). Would it work? What kinda gravel would I need? should I make caves outta rocks or would they just hurt themselves? So many questions before I can even think about going out to buy the tank. I also have to save up a bit first hehe :shifty: . I've got some money in the bank, and I get a small allowance, so I should have the tank fully set up in about 3 years. :p No, kidding, It'll probably take several months of saving planning, etc. Right now I just need some background info. Could I go even smaller than 100 gallons? maybe 75? I saw a nice 75 at my LFS today for $510. Is that huge rip-off? If I did decide to buy it how many fish could I have? Maybe an Oscar and pair of cons? Sorry to drone on but I need these questions answered before I can even consider buying the tank.
Thats prob 75 with all the stuff you need. Alot of times you dont need everything they give you. I bought a 55 gallon tank and just bought all the other stuff seperate. I have the tank sitting on a wooden box/crate thing and it looks and supports the tank just wonderfully. Now im only 17...but i have a good paying job compared to most my age. Making about 300 a week. Idk what ur allowance is but im just trying to give ya a little help on how to make all this a little bit cheaper.
1 oscar only 2 oscars and there will be trouble. Like i have said before, Trimac, Midas/Red Devil and maybe another cichlid and a actfish then you will have one hell of a tank.
what about Texas cichlids?

i heard they got quite the personality.
I have to agree with dwarf_dude 100% i dont know why i didnt think of it, picture this a Texas, Red Devil and large catfish swimming around that tank, mmmmm that would look crazy! I say go for it!
evaDsIcixelsiD said:
Thats prob 75 with all the stuff you need. Alot of times you dont need everything they give you. I bought a 55 gallon tank and just bought all the other stuff seperate. I have the tank sitting on a wooden box/crate thing and it looks and supports the tank just wonderfully. Now im only 17...but i have a good paying job compared to most my age. Making about 300 a week. Idk what ur allowance is but im just trying to give ya a little help on how to make all this a little bit cheaper.
Cool. I'm 16. I don't have a part time job, but I do odd jobs and chores around the house, or run errands that i get payed for. Also I save up the money I get for B-day and stuff, so I have some cash tucked away for a rainy day. I'm sure my mom will help me out if I ask her though. :shifty: Wow, $300 dollars a week at 17? What do you do?
Vip said:
I have to agree with dwarf_dude 100% i dont know why i didnt think of it, picture this a Texas, Red Devil and large catfish swimming around that tank, mmmmm that would look crazy! I say go for it!
Is a red devil that ugly thing with the lumpy forehead? Or is that a red parrot? I don't know exactly can someone post pics?

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