Cichlid advice


Neptune, god of the Sea
Aug 7, 2004
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Well, for all you cichlid crazy people out there, I need some advice. I have been on the "peaceful fish" scene for quite a while, and they are starting to lose their appeal. I need some excitement, so I want to go into larger cichlids. However, I have virtually no experience, having only kept small africans at one point. Any advice on tank size, what I should go with, etc.?
Go for as big a tank as you can afford/fit in your room; Cichlids (most of them) are messy buggers!! Get yourself a good external filter (eheim is generally regarded as the best). Then go get your fish (after its cycled of course!! :D )
As for what fish to get, that depends on what you like, how big the tank is etc. etc.
Let us know what tank you are going to get, and what sort of fish you'd like, and I'm sure people will give you suggestions on compatibility etc.
get a tank around 55 or higher. prefrebly higher and then ull see the power of the alrger cichlids.
I don't want to get anything bigger than 100 gallons for now. What could go in there? I'm thinking some oscars, convicts, jags, and who knows what else but I'm really unsure. I don't know much about large cichlids.
motagunses, Hatinsis, and Istlanum would be some awesome ones to get too
Yeah, 100g gives you a lot of options. Just remember that the bigger the fish; the bigger area he/she is going to have as a territory. You may want to watch that, as some of those fish you mentioned are massively aggressive!!!
It'll be a great tank though. I love my cichlids, the biggest of which is a severum, but I have plans of a Very large tank in the near future. Just gotta get my wedding out of the way, then I can start measuring up!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hmm. Sounds good, with the exception of the catfish/sucker. I want it to be exclusively a cichlid tank, with maybe a large shark. What are some freshwater sharks I could have? And wouldn't the Midas tear everything apart? (Including his neighbours)? I've heard they are one of the most aggressive out there. Since I am starting out maybe just some not too too aggressive ones at first. Are jags, convicts and severums pretty mean? And can they go with firemouths? What else? I'd appreciate it if you could give me some examples of cichlid setups for 100 gallons. Stocking lists I mean. :p
Well I know severums aren't very mean. You could have one or two large cichlids, or a cichlid community with the smaller rams, keyholes, apistos and the species of the laeticara genus. If you do go for a small community, get some other fish (schooling) to use as dithers. I've had blue rams and they can be very shy ;)
I think I like the idea of some bigger fish as opposed to many smaller ones. Any suggestions? Howbout in a 100 gallon tank: 2 oscars, 1 convict, and a jag? Would this work? What if I replaced one of them with a black shark? Would that work?
Get a black Shark, they go good with larhe agressive cichlids i have 3 and my midas and black shark get into fights every now and then but nothing major, if you want to see what they look like click the link in my gallery im adding more pics of them now to.
Ok thanks. How big do they get? Will they fit in 100 gallons?
Hmmm. Those are some great lookin' fish, but after reading how the shark killed a bunch of your fish, I'm a bit hesitant. (Can you blame me?) I'm not about to spend $100+ on chew toys for a black shark with anger problems. :p I think I want some oscars, convicts, and green sevs; those were the ones that really caught my eye. How many could I get in an 100 gallon tank, and would they get along?
Convicts aren't really big Cichlids, and could possibly be in danger from the oscar. I only say this as I have a pair of Sajicas which are similar to convicts, and I tried putting them with the severum and he nearly tore them apart!!! If you introduce the oscars after the convicts you'll probably be ok. Go for a 120g tank, and you could have 2 Oscars, Sevs, and Convicts. Make sure there are plenty of hiding places for the convicts and possibly the Sevs, they can be a bit shy!
I know you say you want a cichlid only tank, but it's worth getting some fish that fill other areas of the tank such as bottom feeders like Clown Loaches, and maybe a Plec as well. They'll just give the tank that extra dimension!!!
BTW I'm not jealous at all!!!! :lol:
Ok can you give me some sizes: like how big do they all get? Ya I guess i might get a pleco and I kinda like the idea of the clown loaches. :D

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