Chris' Nano Journal

ok thanks

i had to pull half the rock down today as i saw a big worm. just finished getting it out. Looks horrable. This is a picture i got this morning (1st time ive seen it and) Thankfully i saw where it went, so knew which rock i was hiding in.

not to sure if its the good type or not but i knew it wernt staying in there.

Yesturday i tested the water again and the results where perfect (as i expected due to nothing being in the other than stuff from the lr)

Ammonia 0
Nitrate - 5
Nitrite - 0
PH - 8.3

So today in the morning i done a 25% water change (2nd time) and reanged the rock work so it now sits about 3-4 inches from the back of the tank.

In the afternoon i bought my first 2 fish, a pair of common clowns.

I drip acclimatised them for 1 1/2 hours and put them in. left the lights o for about 6 hours and turned them on about an hour ago and they seem fine, having a little wonder around the tank together (haven't seen them further than 5 inches aaway from each other).

A few pictures of the tank and fish ( i havent cleaned the glass since i got back 2-3 weeks ago and am surprised how little algea has grown).






any ieas what these are?

on the left near the top of the rock (has 9 arms)

also on the underside of the rock

This tube thing which has to arms (2) that are about 1 1/2 inch long.



This looks lke a worm (i know its not a bristle but thats all i know) in the middle of the picture


Thanks for looking
Ahhh your clowns are adorable - don't forget to put them in the fish of the week - clowns thread pleeeese

All the worms you showed are harmless and in fact good for the tank. The other things, well now, could be aiptaisia or even mojano but need a better picture if possible please, what colour are they?

Seffie x
lol thanks.

will post better pictures next weekend after ive cleaned the tank and my camera lens. They are a light pale colour, possibly a see though pink with a green band, hard to describe.
Got a few better pictures. Hopefully they will be clear enough. looks tome as if its the aiptaisia though.


A few more of the clowns (krusty the clownfish and nemo (sister named them :rolleyes: lol)
Krusty has more black on his/her tail and nemo is the brighter coloured orange of the 2




On saturday i went to stm to get a skimmer and look at the corals.

I came away with a aqua medic 1000 blue. Carnt believe how quite the skimmer is carnt hear it at all, the big eheim pump 1262 ( I think that the one) makes more noise.

Saw a few corals i liked but as i hadnt got my skimmer set up i left them.

Todays i went to a few more that are abit more local shops in the second one i saw a purple firefish that i really liked. I wernt to sure if they where much different to the red firefish as i saw they were harder to find so didnt bother reading into them, When i got home i read about them and from what i saw there requirements are the same a red firefish so i set off and went back to the lfs.

While i was there i noticed they had red hermits so got a few at the same time.

Skimmer in postion (had to modify it abit so it could go inside the sump)

Sump almost finished now, just need to add the cheato when it comes

Clean the glass today but after taking the pictures have notice i didnt do a good job.




And the new fish. Has already eaton and hadly stays in the rock now.






All 3 together

wow, a lots changed in here since last time i read this. Loveing the clowns.

Looks a very nice and neat set up :)

He/she is probably not settled yet but from what i read they rarly go further than 10 inches from there cave i know my tanks not big but the fish swims and follows the clowns quite a bit. He/she seams a very peacfull fish and constantly on the lookout for food.
Mine eats the same a the clowns. Mainly 'New Era marine flake' and some defrosted mysis, thats all ive tried them on so far but will probably try something else on the weekend.
Got a frag of a green hammer coral today. quite small at the moment as it only has one head?. How quickly do these grow (i now it depends alot on water quality etc)?

Will get a picture tommorow once its fully settled in.

Got an update now which includes pictures, Something im disappointed with atm though is the aquamedic 1000 blue skimmer, doesn't really seem to pull much out the water and it really hard to control. Other than that ive had no problems, fish seem healthy and the clowns are up at the surface as soon a food goes near the water.

One of the 3 hermits

As i said in the last post i bought a frag of green hammer almost a few weeks ago now. (carnt seem to get a decent picture of this. i need to turn it around to get though.

Then last week i found a toadstall (same person as the green hammer)









When i got there i saw some pulsing Xenia (didn't know what it was at the time). His tank was amazing tank in the wall approx 4x3x3. In the end he gave me a few stalks of it for nothing as it grows to much in his.




Last picture of the tank.

I wont a few more corals some zoas (i thinks thats what there called) a torch coral, maybe another smaller toadstall.
Fish wise i really want a goby for sifting the sand abit, will a goby and firefish get on? the firefish seems very friendly towards the clowns.

Thanks for looking
looking good :good:

They should get on, try to choose a goby which spends most of its time on or near the sand bed

Seffie x
Thanks seffie. Havent seen any yet in the shops.

Got another 3 corals today.
Capnella Kenya Tree Coral
1 rock of Xenia clavularia (star polyps)
1 rock of Zoanthus (i think)

Still need to postition it but will do it tommorow. Really pleased with the tree coral, the other 2 havent really fully opened yet.

The toadstool and hammer i got a few weeks back afre doing well now, can see the difference in the hammer everyday and its still under my 55w pc lamp. (bought my new t5 tube's aswell toady) just need to order the starters/ballast)

Also bought some Cerith Snails aswell.

Pictures will be tommorow or tuesday.

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