choosing the correct algae eater

Good thread but although CAE's are efficient algae eaters, they are bad in almost every other sense- short tempered, aggressive and terotorial they cannot live out their lives in community tanks without taking great risks and grow quite big for most tanks.
This thread if i am right, is intention to give good advice, even if that is not its intention many people will look at this thread when researching what algae eaters to get and i do not think on how the CAE's temperment is expressed is strong enough- we realy don't need anymore people buying them and then months later, their community tank ending in tears and tradegy.
CAE= very risky community fish.
The-Wolf said:
Mr Miagi, please pm your pic and I'll substitue it for the one posted (with the appropriate credit of course)
PM sent Wolf, would you like my SAE photos aswell?
sure all pics are welcomed
Tokis-Phoenix said:
This thread if i am right, is intention to give good advice
as are 99.9% of my posts :p

Tokis-Phoenix said:
i do not think on how the CAE's temperment is expressed is strong enough
CAE= very risky community fish.
I'm on the fence on this one, my personal experiance is....
if the CAE is the biggest fish in the tank then yes it is very aggressive, however having moved mine into a tank where he is in the mid range of sizes he is very docile, he even swims away from food when my large clowns and yoyos get near him.
I've said this before and I'll say it again; I think I have the exception that proves the rule. :nod:

Please all keep you ideas/suggestions comming
those that have pm'd me, I shall be adding the relative info to the original post and crediting you as appropriate.
I'll add another exception, Wolf. I have a CAE with small fishes - Mollys, Platys, rummy noses, neons, etc... and the only signs of aggresion I have seen is when he believes that a piece of cucumber rightfully belongs to him :)

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