he seems to be doing better than before.. tonight i gave him a little pice of shrimp, i hooked it on to my trusty fishie clip lol.. cause hes always on the glass he acctually was grabbing my finger lol with his little tenticles that felt weird lol. but i pushed the little chunk of shrimp over to his one leg and it grabbed on and started moving twords the shrimp now hes on top of it. and when i put m fingers almost next to him his arms curled up before it woudlnt do that he would jsut stay and move slower.. hes a bit white in some places and im wondering if thats bad..hes had this white spot on him but it didnt get icky or ne thing like that.. and ive seem a little more white in some spots.. but i dont know if that is normal or not..he seems to be acting fine..