Chinese Bellied Newt

leo and sally

New Member
Aug 9, 2008
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guys, im leo,and my newt, sally.
im totally new here and also new with newts

yesterday i bought a fire belly newts and wonder how should i keep it...

from the sites i read on, they stay alot on land and mean problem if they dont enter the water...
but mine, stay all day in water(never seen her on the land yet...

any advise please...

thnaks alot
Hi there,
Some newts will spend more time in the water, others on land. What type of set up do you have them in? And what are you feeding? If you share that we can help more :)
my fire belly newt prefers to be in the water more than on land.he rarely comes up for oxygen but he is around 12 years old and i think he has adapted in some ways.this is my favorite pic of him.

good luck and i would love to see a pic of sally.oh yeah,and welcome to the forum.
What a cutie dnn3! He even looks like a grumpy old man ;)

My 3 newts spend a bit more time on land than in the water. Here are a few pics of their set up

I have philidendrons planted in there, they LOVE to climb them

Leo and Sally...I forgot to mention that often when you first get these guys they have a big adjustment peroid. Mine refused to eat for the first 3 weeks. I had to chop live earthworms to finally entice them, but once they started eating again, they were fine.
hello i also have a firebelly he mostly stays on land and only goes into the water when really dry when i first got him i had a problem with feeding him i found that he will only feed on live food i think its because hes more intrested when it moving i also keep him with 2 aquatic dwarf frogs and a couple of cherry shrimps which he seems fine with. I keep him in a jbj nano cube half water sand gravel at the bottom and few plants (java fern) and (anubeus) a big lava rock for him to chill on and sum pre soaked jati wood which looks awesome! and for filteration i just use a small and simple fulvel 1 no need 4 a heater because the tank is at room temp which is 24 which he seems fine in.
i stayed with my aunt

i set 30 x 40 cm terrarium, but when my aunty come home, she got freaked out...
and asked me to throw it away...

she insist
so, i throw it away...(the fish tank)

the newt i got no choice but to put it with my crab in 20x20x25 cm tank, inside got crab, 2 endler guppy and the newt,...

evenhough the crap( pinchy) and sally afraid of each other, they dont hurt each other
but hope they will get to know each other...

inside the tang( small stone based) got quiet alot of tubiflex worms, but never see sally eat before...

can she eat the wringling worm?

is it okay to leave all the pets all together?

thanksa lot
thanks for everybody advises...

im not too sure,
here is the crab.
yesterday sally dont never step out of the water, but now,, she keep sticking on the glass wall of the tank...

really lost what is she trying to do...

is it okya if she got dried up?
she stay on the wall till her body stick there and really dried, i almost think she died, then i put her back to water, she climb up again...

i assumed that the water quality has gone down, so i changerd the water...

but it still the same...

advice please
That crab needs access to land and brackish water. It is a red-clawed crab(Sesarma bidens).

S/he climbed out of the water because she needs to get out. Probably not a good idea to keep her with the fish and newt(crab by nature are opportunistic omnivores), but, luckily for you, the guppies can stay with her/him when you give her brackish water. The newt cannot. :(
but the crab have been living in the fresh alittle bit black water for almost 1.5 years and he is doing pretty well...
there is acces to the land...
the endler guppy has been put to another tank as i read that newt is sensitive to nitrate,...

all still the same for the newt though
but the crab have been living in the fresh alittle bit black water for almost 1.5 years and he is doing pretty well...
there is acces to the land...
the endler guppy has been put to another tank as i read that newt is sensitive to nitrate,...

all still the same for the newt though

sounds like a nice little setup for the crab, short of keeping a brackish tank, there is little better you could do for it. dont worry about the "killer crab" comments, simply, they do not kill others, even sick fish, though they will eat dead ones. its the first time i have heard that CFBN have problems with nitrate, well any more than fish do, so i can not comment, except to say at least one person on this thread does keep a newt with fish, for 11 years or so, and has had no problems.

i am concerned about those who have CFBN who spend much time out of the water. from my research and the comments on the net, this is, usually, a sign that the water has some problems. the conventional wisdom is that newt, may, spend some time at the surface, kinda half in half out, but rarely, unless there is a problem, spend time out of it. please, i am not saying those who's newts spend time out of the tank, are doing something wrong. its simply this seems different behaviour than the information, avaliable, would suggest.
thanks boboboy,...
but my tank is really small, about 15x15 cm i think...around there...

well, the newt really spent alot of time in the land...what should i do?
thanks boboboy,...
but my tank is really small, about 15x15 cm i think...around there...

well, the newt really spent alot of time in the land...what should i do?

not really sure i have any advice, but. i would do a big water change, all if possible, making sure you clean the substrate well. one thing that may be happening is that the crabs are very messy eaters, so there could be a fair amount of uneaten food in the water. add, if possible, some O2 to the water. try and lift the filter till it is just on the waters surface, as air stones don't really add that much.

if you can, could you post your feeding regime for your tank?
guys, im leo,and my newt, sally.
im totally new here and also new with newts

yesterday i bought a fire belly newts and wonder how should i keep it...

from the sites i read on, they stay alot on land and mean problem if they dont enter the water...
but mine, stay all day in water(never seen her on the land yet...

any advise please...

thnaks alot
i also have a fire newt and i was wondering if i could keep him with a moray eel

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