Ok, they aren't evil, but they are detremental to a community tank, epecially one with discuss/dollars/angels.These fish are PURE ABSOLUTE EVIL.
no they are not!
Ok, they aren't evil, but they are detremental to a community tank, epecially one with discuss/dollars/angels.These fish are PURE ABSOLUTE EVIL.
no they are not!
Ok, they aren't evil, but they are detremental to a community tank, epecially one with discuss/dollars/angels.
How about reading the thread and seeing that I was the one arguing that they are sub tropical?Ok, they aren't evil, but they are detremental to a community tank, epecially one with discuss/dollars/angels.
because they are in the wrong environment!
what part of sub-tropical do you not understand?
I would say that would be ok as long as the tank is large enough for the danios to get away.Personally i would not mix CAE's with each other, any other bottom dwelling fish, or any fish that stands out in general and isn't very robust.
I would imagine you would probably have no problem keeping them in a tank full of danio's?
The only reason they are detremental is because they like to eat the slime coating of fish.
yes because they are in a coldwater tank, again what part of sub-topical do you not get?If you put them in with a sub tropical fish with a large flat side, or any smaller fish like white clouds, they would still be aggressive and detremental to a coldwater community.
Coldwater tank = room temp = 21C, therefore they should act unaggressively, but in most cases they do not. I should be asking you, What part of sub tropical do you not get? Afterall, coldwater is sub tropical.The only reason they are detremental is because they like to eat the slime coating of fish.
not all of them! your statement is a generalisation and is just perpetuating a stupid myth in this hobby.
yes because they are in a coldwater tank, again what part of sub-topical do you not get?If you put them in with a sub tropical fish with a large flat side, or any smaller fish like white clouds, they would still be aggressive and detremental to a coldwater community.
in my considerable experience with this species (again I say)
keep them in the correct conditions and they are a great addition to a tank.
I've never had any problem with any of the 10 CAE's i've kept/keep with sucking slime coats of any fish.
please stop spouting your uneducated drivel and stop maligning this wonderful fish.
Coldwater tank = room temp = 21C
Sub tropical is anything less than tropical temps...Coldwater tank = room temp = 21C
coldwater by definition is water below 20c.
20-25 is sub-topical
above 25 is tropical.
I now see where your error lies.
I'm out of here