Chinese Algae Eaters-uh Oh


the one and only
Jan 20, 2008
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i got 2 one each for my 2 large biorbs <<<<<<<<<< what a muppet!!!

but calm down , as i was too lazy to take them up 3 flights of stairs to put them in there, so i put them in a 120L instead.. i have just read somewhere that they get to about 10 inches and very aggressive,that cant be right can it,??
when they were at the fish shop they were called algae eaters,and the plonker told me that he had some in his biorb too--yes yes i believed him :crazy:
anyway go on tell me they will stay small and just eat algae and not my other fish... please ( they are in a comunity tank)

shelagh xxxx
I'm sorry to say that YES they will grow quite large, and YES they will attack other fish.

However when young they are great little algae eaters, one of the best IMO, but when they get over 3 inches they turn nasty, and are hungry for fish.

I've found that they try to suck on other fishes slime coat, which will cause the other fish to be easily attacked my diseases.
I had one in my 20gallon a few months back, it kept trying to suck on my angels, so i moved it to my oscars tank, which had a few plants, rocks ect. Thought that it would be ok in there. I WAS WRONG!, the algae eater as people call them, tried to cuck on my oscar one night and BAM! oscar had it for dinner :blink:

They aren't the most favoured fish to keep :sly:
Whilst its young, you should be ok, but when they get older they can become aggressive and territorial and may well turn on your other fish.

Apparently they can get to 10" but I think thats rare in the home aquarium.
Well CAE can fit in community tank, depends on what kind their tankmates are. Danios, endlers, smaller schooling tetras/rasbora and few livebearer species (not common ones) could work out with CAE as it unable to catch these fishes with its mouth.
OOooooo such bully fish-i had a right time getting mine out they were so quick.

I had a right time trying to catch mine-they were bullies and i say good riddance!
Got rid of my CAE after a year.
He was bullying other fish and stopped eating algae.
My CAE was fine, got to about 6" but I took it back to the shop just in case.
thanks for all the replies, ill try(!!) to catch them and take them back now rather than later, i really dont want them having a go at the other fish :)

shelagh xxx
Mine was fine until he got to about 4 inches. I never saw him try to suck on the Beta he was living with but he was chasing him around a lot. I put an ad in Craigslist (fish store didn't want him) and set him up with someone who had a 90 gallon tank with only a few fast moving fish.
i have just brought my second CAE, i love them. i already have one (5,inches) witch has stopped growing, they never bother my guppies and i love it how they make themselves little caves, although my first one hasn't eaten algy for about 6months.
Yeah get shot of them hun

and while your at it write out 'I must not trust the LFS' 50 times :grr: :rolleyes: :p
Yeah get shot of them hun

and while your at it write out 'I must not trust the LFS' 50 times :grr: :rolleyes: :p

50? She knew this already... 100 times and no lunchtime for 2 weeks!!! and that me being nice....

Yeah on subject CAE are evil fish, take them back now...

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