Chinese Algae Eaters-uh Oh

its pot luck really with how their temperment will be,ive had a few over the years and they loved my angel fish :crazy: , so i had to rehome them,but i have one in my com.tank for a couple of years, and hes a little angel, doesnt pester anyone, but i think thats because i have lots of distractions for him like caves and tasty bogwood etc which i never had before, hes about 4 inches, and lives with angelfish,doesnt bother them at all.

its a bit of a gamble really :rolleyes:
Terribly boring as well as having their aggressive tendencies.
who brough this back to life :lol:

actually, someone ( cant remember who it was,doubted that they were CAE after all,) oh its in a thread somewhere, they are still here tho, behaving themselves i might add ...unlike me obviously - 100 times and no lunch...your nasty Ace!! ;)

but after the acvice i got in another post ( think it was something like "can you post a pic of a CAE" ) I certainley wont be rushing out to get one :)

shelagh xxx

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