Chinese Algae Eater


Fish Fanatic
Aug 1, 2005
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I have a chinese algae eater and its about 5 inches. I keep it with my african cichlids and its chases them. It smore agressive then them I was wondering how they could say this fish is community. Does anyone else have a problem like this with theirs?
When juveniles CAE's are peaceful and snarf down algae but as they mature the forgo the algae and feed on the slime coats of other fish. I've had one CAE take out an entire tank of platies once...bad times.
According to the book that I have, it states that when they are young they are fine, but with increasing age they become territorial and slightly aggressive toward others.
My experience of CAEs is that the only thing accurately described about them is their county of origin: China.

When theyre young theyre nice peaceful little critter that eat algae. When they grow, which they do quickly, they become highly aggressive, and capable to taking on much larger fish than themselves! Some people have reported that they can keep a single fully grown CAE in a community tank with no problems, but this has never been the case for me.

So much so that there is a tank under my desk that is dedicated to a single CAE that I dont want to re-house because it so aggressive and dont want to kill because... well, its not ill or anything, so it would be just wrong to do so.

CAEs will eat the slime coating off of flat bodied fish. My CAE attacked my Harlequin Rasboras resulting in the death of three in one day. They had been in the tank with no troubles until that day for months and months.

CAEs are, typically, not a sensible buy when it comes to a cleanup fish. Siamese Algae Eaters are much more appropriate to community tanks because they are not aggressive and also eat algae.
sorry to say we had similar probs, we bought a cae on bad lfs advice when we started out, fine till he got to about 4 inches then he started terrorizing our fish esp the poor corys morning noon & night........we eventually caught & rehomed him. but we would never have got this fish in the first place if we'd done reasearch BEFORE getting it. we have since learned our lesson & dont get any new fish till researched thoroughly! i think you'll need a separate tank or to rehome him

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