Chiclid Hybrids

yeah that was wrong sky book should be burned for warmth not out of fear :lol: 451 degrees :lol:

but auratus hes not upset that someone disagrees with him hes upset that they whent on his thread and flamed him blatantly. It was adrinal who was upset with the hijacking and he agreed with the hijacker (that hybrids are wrong even if they happen accidentaly)
I still think is not that bad after all and it might even occur naturally inside the Malawi or the others lakes, Maybe that's why there are so many hundreds of species in one single lake. I don't think selling them is that as long as you tell people that they are hybrid and might be infertile or watever.

Btw this topic is quite interesting. :D
Hundreds is more appropriate, there aren't thousands of species in the lake.

And as I've already stated, when it happens in the lake it's called evolution, it has nothing to do with human made fish.
what exactly is that suposed to mean chris? :huh:

And if you are going to make such a small post please dont add your signature to it
OMG.....opcn........what in the Sam HE** is wrong with you.........

What has gotten into everybody....

I think I'm going to take a break from this forum for a while.

I used to come on to get away from stress and now THIS FORUM is stressing me out :S

Sorry Chris for that stupid comment of his and about all the crap you got for your lovely fish......... ;) But I'm outa here for a while :byebye:

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