Chiclid Hybrids

lately i have ended up with 3 fish holding hybrid fry...I have just let them spit in the tank with the exception of my yellow lab who i had to remove because she was getting beat up while holding so unfortuneatly i have the fry now (yellow lab/colbalt blue) there is only 9 of them and they are big enough to throw back into my 90g I have to admit they are very cute....but i would have just let the female spit in the tank if she would have been ok in there. Once back in the main tank its every fish for himself......i know they wont all survive but whoever does i will keep for myself. I am kinda interested in seeing what they will turn out like so i do hope one of two survive.......i dont have the mom or dad anymore (i gave them away to seperate homes, so this would not happen again) I think its cool to see pics of other peoples hybrid fish. That one of FM's is gorgeous! As long as we enjoy them for ourselves i see nothing wrong with it :)
Mods, please delete my post.................not wanted here and am hurt by it indeed.

WILL NOT make that mistake again, believe me.

You asked whether or not hybid pictures should be "allowed". I believe my post was ENTIRELY related to that Adrinal.

BTW.....CICHLID Hybrids???? What do you call a BP if not a CICHLID HYBRID???

New species are not often made by hybridization but rather non random mateing and natural selection against traits and or lack there of over a long period of time that being sid yes it is important that we protectextinct bloodlines but Chris here will not be selling his fish or muddying any bloodlines with them
Not sure what that scuffle was about.... :huh: She posted here about her fish without ever being to the original topic of this thread....and what she said was still related...hmph. :X
Adrinal said:
Holy cow how many languages DO you know, FM? :clap:
Remember that movie with Pauly Shore and Brendan Frazer....can't remember the name....errm.... :huh: but Link was the name of the cave man!!! LOL!
Ah, I won't ;) But I would like my initial post removed because SOME one didn't appreciate my input which is fine.....I'll just remember that! :nod:

FM, it was called Encino Man!
DUH! :hyper:

I should have never forgotten the name of that movie......I have seen it like 50x!!! :lol:
I hear ya.....We love Polly Shore, although he is the biggest DUMB @$$ around! ;)

Don't worry......I got the "Linkavich" remark! :lol: ;)
This has got to be the weirdest thread that Adrinal has started... and that's really saying something!

The original question was... should we be allowed to post pictures of hybrid cichilds? And I say "why not?" William... what do you say?
If you don't like what people say when they respond to your thread... maybe you shouldn't post a thread.

Hyjack your post? My god it's a post! It's not like she's stealing your diamond ring!
I think theres is NO harm in posting a picture of a hybrid someone owns that happened accidentally.

I think that selling it would be a bad idea.
I think that allowing it to pollute a bloodline would be bad

But there isn't any harm in the picture. Almost reminds me of a time when people were afraid of the written word and burned books.

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