Chiclid Hybrids

I personally am against hybrids of any kind, IMO they are going to be the ruin of the hobby as we know it, this is already beggining to show in the presence of blood parrots and flowerhorns.
If a accidental spawning occurs in a aquarium between two different species then the fry should be culled immiedietly and rearing the fry and then parading them in public is just wrong. These are just my personally views and nothing more.
I think if it happens it's fine, but I don't think people should intentionally be trying to create hybrids. If someone wants to show a pic of a hybrid they have, then so what? It doesn't bother me.
Sounds like a natural thing for me, if their genes are compatible and they do wanna do it i think is alright, just tell ppl they are hybrid when they sell them.
J_acon said:
Sounds like a natural thing for me, if their genes are compatible and they do wanna do it i think is alright, just tell ppl they are hybrid when they sell them.
what about the parrot fish then, or the flowerhorn?
i bet people weren't told about it when they bought them!!

imo, as long as they are kept by the breeder and not sold on it can't hurt anyone.
if it's to make a quick buck then the people responsible should be made to breed with a male ape or something more painful!!!
Edit: corrected spelling in fear of the spelling Nazi!
I am going to agree with CFC. IMO hybredization performed intentionally is wrong and if it occurs accidently in an aquarium the fish should either be culled or raised and not sold on or breed again. It creates new fish that can affect the bloodlines of the true fish first put on the planet. IMO there is already enough fish on the market and they are by far and away enough for all of us and they are all very intresting and unique in their own way so there is no need to create new fish.
First off I think hybrids have a higher likelyhod of illnes and the WEEK should be culled hevily also I think that any naturaly occuring healthy fish should be allowed to live out its life (and any unnatural fish that doesn't pose a threat to nature for that matter) and thirdly I think that so long as they never leave his posetion alive they are okay. They are not something that he should be ashamed of and hide are they? and Hybrids are not going to ruin the hobby simply because there aren't That many fish that are capable of hybridizeing Only soem cichilids and some carp really oh Ken_G_W has hybrid angel fish but they are a hybrid between two cultivars (yeah I'm gunna use that term for fish now, and thats what he told me) are they wrong? how about the leopard danios? Thers just soooo much grey area lets not hang FM out to dry for it he has effectively lead the fish pic section for a very long time now.
You guys kind of sound like those people that kill puppies because they aren't the right color or pattern... or people who kill the litter of puppies because a stray got ahold of the mom. I know it's NOT exactly the same but it still is the same as far as keeping lines pure.
I would have to agree with diver on this one. If two fish happen to breed in someones aquarium, so be it. But to profit from selling sickly fish to unknowing buyers is dispicable. I however do not agree with killing hybrid fish because like it or not they are living things. They did not ask to be made so it is our responsibility to give the ones that are here the same loving home we would give any fish.I dont think we should stop people from posting pics of their hybrids. I may not like them but everyone doesnt have to agree with me. Lots of people do like them.
It is up to us to maintain the integrity of fish bloodlines by not purchasing hybrid fish. Soon the greedy monsters will realize. no demand = no profit. and in time they will stop making them. Anyway thats my opinion on them. :whistle:
How were most species created? Was it not that they were formed by two other species? Dogs for example, a Bullmastiff is half Mastiff and half bull dog and it is its own breed.
I too am against breeding them but if it happens naturally then let it be.
The topic of this thread is whether or not to post hybrid cichlid pictures.

There is absolutely no reason to ban hybrid pictures. The fact is, some hybrids are a staple in the hobby, and those who don't like it had best get used to it.

At the same time it’s important to educate those who are unaware of the impact of hybrids in some areas of the hobby. I can only try to make you understand why we feel it’s so important to keep cichlid lines natural.

Yes, hybrids do occur in the lakes, but the fish prove themselves through survival and multiplication in their natural environment. This is not hybridization, this is evolution.

Cichlids from the Rift Lakes of Africa are completely indigenous to their biotopes. Aquariums (and breeding ponds) are the only places you will find these fish aside from their respective isolated lakes. Unfortunately these lakes are as effected by human impact as any, but because of their secluded biotopes, the impact is greater and more immediate.

Lake Victoria got the brunt of it. The introduction of foreign fish has completely depleted the population of cichlids in this lake. Hundreds of species have gone the way of the Dodo, and for exactly the same reason—human introduction of foreign wildlife.

Some of these extinct species can still be obtained in the hobby.

Anyone who can understand the value of this would understand why avid aquarists react so strongly when they see shameless promotion of what I can’t help, in this case, to call a beautiful obscenity.
YIKES......does anyone mind posting a link to that "other thread" -_- :eek:

I'm up in the competition for FOTM in May for my sweet little BP I don't know if I should post a picture of my FISH!!!!! Yes, it's a frigging FISH people not an alien.......!!!!!!!

If it would upset people to see it then I will not run........ :-( Not that I would win anyways.....I go into the comp. understanding that even though I have an outstanding picture of an outstanding fish the likelihood of it winning is next to none because of peoples opinions on the fish and their hatred for it. This is fine with me........

ACTUALLY, wait a goll darn second here.....WHAT WAS I THINKING...????
NO WAY will I take that picture out of the comp. MY POLLY has just as much right to win as any other D@M fish in the comp and I am proud of him so scratch what I first said......that was wimpiness talking..... :flex:

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