Cherry Shrimp

I am assuming you won't be posting until the new year now but I will def be interested in having some in the new year! Don't want to risk it with the snow at the moment!
If your still getting post in your area then they will be arriving guaranteed next day special delivery so can post tomorrow if anyone wants any??? Paypal address is please pay for the minimal fee's and do it as a gift as if I pay for them then the shrimp are going at a rediculous price lol.
If your still getting post in your area then they will be arriving guaranteed next day special delivery so can post tomorrow if anyone wants any??? Paypal address is please pay for the minimal fee's and do it as a gift as if I pay for them then the shrimp are going at a rediculous price lol.

Post isn't great at the moment and haven't had any in 3 days. I read royal mail aren't providing guaranteed next day del at the moment tho? I will get in contact in the new year1 :)
Can I ask a question as I would love to have some of these in my 250ltr planted tank but not sure if they would get on with my fish or not. I have 5 neon tetra, 4 Discus and 3 Siamese Algae eaters Plus maybe a Giant Betta If I can get hold of one. My neon have never been eaten or bothered at all by my Discus, So I assumed these shrimp might be ok?
Can I ask a question as I would love to have some of these in my 250ltr planted tank but not sure if they would get on with my fish or not. I have 5 neon tetra, 4 Discus and 3 Siamese Algae eaters Plus maybe a Giant Betta If I can get hold of one. My neon have never been eaten or bothered at all by my Discus, So I assumed these shrimp might be ok?

I wouldn't, the Discus will defo eat them.
Hey I'm still going to get shrimp from you in the new year if you have any, I have 6 at the moment as I had 7 but one died. I think another is on it's way out as it's lying on it's back and has been for the last two days, I just don't get it! The tank is well maintained, there is no copper in the food I use and there's plenty of oxygen as I have an air pump as well as the filter which has a prw filter sponge to stop them getting sucked it. All the baby guppies in the same tank are healthy and growing well, even though I havent added salt. The only things I have put in the water are nutrafin tap water conditioner and interpet filter start. There is fine black gravel, a piece of bogwood with java moss on, a moss ball and small rocks. The temperature is 25 degrees celsius. There is low or no ammonia nitrate and nitrite. I always wash my hands before doing anything. The other shrimp are lovely bright red and look happy doing what shrimp do, but why is this one on it's back? The other one did this before it died. I want this problem to be resolved before I get more shrimp as I'd like to breed them but so far no joy :-( I'm pretty sure there are males and females and they are of adult size. I have had them for about 3-4 weeks maybe even longer. The tank has been going for quite some time so I just don't understand :-(
Can I ask a question as I would love to have some of these in my 250ltr planted tank but not sure if they would get on with my fish or not. I have 5 neon tetra, 4 Discus and 3 Siamese Algae eaters Plus maybe a Giant Betta If I can get hold of one. My neon have never been eaten or bothered at all by my Discus, So I assumed these shrimp might be ok?

I wouldn't, the Discus will defo eat them.

I've got 12 discus in a 6ft heavily planted tank & whilst a couple of the Discus might try to eat the shrimp, they can't usually catch them. I started out with around 30 shrimp & must have over 200 now in there (in less than 6 months).
they will be in a few months i had a co2 leak in the tank and it caused few deaths so i'm re producing stock at the moment

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