Cherry Shrimp Tank


Fish Crazy
Jun 14, 2010
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Hi guys,
Some of you may have seen my post about starting a betta tank with my 28L. I have decided against it... too much conflicting information. So now I will set up my tank downstairs (filter still on) and house some Cherry Shrimps :)

What I wanted to know is... How many Cherry Shrimp should I house in my 28 litre? I have read about their breeding so how much as a starting lot?

I have a 60L tank if I get overrun :lol:
I was told 10 to 15 per gallon (although I wouldn't start with too many as they will breed).

Incidentally a 28 litre tank will be ideal for a betta :)

Totally agree but a member was out of line and demanded that the tank was too small. Don't blame the OP for backing away but a betta would be very happy in a 28ltr.

I would start of with 10-15 cherries, chances are there will be a couple of babies in the bag too.
Yes I am wanting to breed them :)
I have a sponge filter and an air pump.
How fast does the 'flow' have to be coming out??
In my cherry tank its just run of a very cheap air pump so little flow on the sponge filter but the tank only has cherries and a few mts so doesn't need to be very powerful and they are thriving now with my females now carrying lots of eggs
In my cherry tank its just run of a very cheap air pump so little flow on the sponge filter but the tank only has cherries and a few mts so doesn't need to be very powerful and they are thriving now with my females now carrying lots of eggs
Hi, new to this, on the verge of getting a 64 litre I think that size is good for a newbie, plug n play fish pod, starting off with a community tank, (after fishless cycling of course ) could I put cherries in, or any other type, would they all get on, also as Im starting from scratch and want live plants, can I put these in while cycling and lfs recommended tetra substrate about 2cm before I put gravel on top also 2cm, I know its fertilizer for plants but wont it also feed algae.
They'll settle down to an amount after they start breeding. I've had them in all size tanks really,they are thriving in my 160 litre. Its all about food and conditions really. Not enough food means ultimately less shrimps in my opinion. And i couldnt count how many i have.....
What food do you feed them? Also what is your water change routine?
They are essentially scavengers so my shrimps eat the flake i feed my tetras and the pellets i feed my plec.
So even though they will be in a tank on their own, could I still feed them Nutrafin Tropical Flakes??
Well I imagine they have a specialised food but i never looked into it as they feed off the scraps my fish leave and have thrived off of it, i'm afraid i cant help you on that but i'm sure someone will, also i change my water weekly.
They'll settle down to an amount after they start breeding. I've had them in all size tanks really,they are thriving in my 160 litre. Its all about food and conditions really. Not enough food means ultimately less shrimps in my opinion. And i couldnt count how many i have.....
How would they manage if you had to
treat your tank with meds if you had a disease with fish, would they cope with the chemicals
Its never happened yet..... I have 3 tanks so i can move stuff around but with that many shrimps it wouyld take a long time to round them up!! I would probably take my chances with the medicine. I feed them flake mainly but they will scavenge anything really. They can finish off a dead fish in a day.
I have a japonica shrimp only tank (incidentally with one cherry somehow?) and i just drop in an algae wafer every once in a while. On days i dont feed them there plenty of algae in the tank for them to eat :) They do fine.

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