Cherry Shrimp Tank

I have a japonica shrimp only tank (incidentally with one cherry somehow?) and i just drop in an algae wafer every once in a while. On days i dont feed them there plenty of algae in the tank for them to eat :) They do fine.
Hi any better than others, ie hardyness, colour, I suppose they all help control algae.
They'll eat anything really.

I used to feed mine algae wafers mostly. Blood worm on occasion (they love them) - they'd fight my newts for the worms when they were together and they ate fish food too.
I`ve just joined your 'club' Embrace! :look:

Someone I know was getting rid of the last of their tank contents and 12 Cherry Shrimp have now become the newest addition in our house! :S :lol:

Only a few days ago I got 5 Sunkist and 5 Cherry shrimps so it looks like I`ll be trying to catch those from my bigger tank to put them in the smaller tank.......I fully intended to sell the smaller (13G) tank but that idea has gone out of the window laid plans and all that :look: I`m not specifically intending to breed the shrimp but won`t have any objections if they decide to do the dirty deed ;)

Hope all goes well with yours. :D
I`ve just joined your 'club' Embrace! :look:

Someone I know was getting rid of the last of their tank contents and 12 Cherry Shrimp have now become the newest addition in our house! :S :lol:

Only a few days ago I got 5 Sunkist and 5 Cherry shrimps so it looks like I`ll be trying to catch those from my bigger tank to put them in the smaller tank.......I fully intended to sell the smaller (13G) tank but that idea has gone out of the window laid plans and all that :look: I`m not specifically intending to breed the shrimp but won`t have any objections if they decide to do the dirty deed ;)

Hope all goes well with yours. :D
How do you manage when you use vacum on gravel isn't there a poss of sucking them up
I`ve just joined your 'club' Embrace! :look:

Someone I know was getting rid of the last of their tank contents and 12 Cherry Shrimp have now become the newest addition in our house! :S :lol:

Only a few days ago I got 5 Sunkist and 5 Cherry shrimps so it looks like I`ll be trying to catch those from my bigger tank to put them in the smaller tank.......I fully intended to sell the smaller (13G) tank but that idea has gone out of the window laid plans and all that :look: I`m not specifically intending to breed the shrimp but won`t have any objections if they decide to do the dirty deed ;)

Hope all goes well with yours. :D

I too will be letting nature take its course :lol:
Once the tanks are up and running, it will be nice to have someone at the same stage as me :)
Also, how ironic that we are both called Elise :fun:
Good luck with yours too and looking forward to sharing tips :good:

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