Chemical Test Kits


New Member
Aug 15, 2007
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I have just purcashed a test kit for the 4 main tests. It has 2 test tubes, the chemicals, pippette and colour chart. You mix the chemicals with sample, shake and compare to colour chart. This gives a good indication but is not very accurate. I am finding that one colour may = 10 and the next one on 30 and when trying to match the colour in the test tube it is hard to guage as the printed colours are solid and the liquid is fairly transparent.

Is there any other ways / kits where you get a more accurate reading ?

I have seen a few posts where people have said my xxx is at 4.3 or 105 - this suggest they are getting an exact reading.

I am probably being a bit particular but when i am following instruction for cyclig and it says to add ammonia until you get 5-6 ppm I want to get it just right. I am looking at the colour in my test tube / colour chart and thinking it could be anywhere between 3 and 6 which is upto 50% out potentially !!!

Can you get strips or similar that actually give a number or somehow identify a more acurate reading that just a similar colour match ??

You just have to get better with practise I'm afraid. Make sure you are looking at it in bright natural light and up against something white. Ask for a 2nd opinion if youre worried.


youre not colour blind are you :lol:
Unfortunatley some test kits can be hard to read. Hold the test tube up against something white, like paper or card (right up to it) and have a good strong light behind you. Should help you. Failing that, get what you believe are the right results and then get your LFS to test with a different test kit and see what they get. If they get the same then brilliant!
Practice practice practice.... its the only way ! I use API kits, and view the tubes against the white edge of the colour chart - it helps if you do this in daylight.
Also, may SURE you follow the instructions TO THE LETTER... not all tests use the same procedure !

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