Check This Out

i got my conformation thing thru... i also bought a lighting unit that i badly need so total cost for 2 x Deltect Bowfront tank and 1 x lighting unit = £20.99 with postage inc.

When i get my lighting unit i hope there is a nice new tank too..
if you look at the links provided it talks about the pricing for each type of tank. I doubt you'll get a free tank. It is odd that it went through without any parameters put in...maybe you will get one. =)
lol all the freebies have been removed ha ha ha

let us know if it works tho
:lol:I got an email too, requesting my requirements but I've also been refunded the delivery charge that I paid yesterday so I'm not out of pocket.

Ah well, it was worth a try!

At least it's taught them a valuble lesson about proof-reading their website BEFORE it's published! They won't do THAT again!

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