Cheap lighting


Fish Fanatic
Oct 16, 2004
Reaction score
Tuckerton, New Jersey
I just set up the lighting on my 75 gallon. Cost me a whole 15 bucks. I went to Home Depot and got a 4 foot shop light for 8 dollars, and the lights for it, 2 48 inchers, T-8, 32 watt, daylight (6500K) for 7 bucks. I also am making plexi hoods for all my tanks that don't have them...a sheet of plexi 3'x4' ran me about 20. I'm sure this has been posted before, just wanted people to read and realize that spending hundreds of dollars on lighting isn't necessary.
:drool: :drool: I think I need to make a trip to Home Depot, or some similar store, in the near future :nod: I have my tank rigged up so that it has 1.5 WPG, but I'd like to get that up to at least 2 WPG, maybe even 3 WPG. I looked at shop lights at Menards once, and even wrote down prices, but I've since lost the list. I think I'll have to go again. There's a Menards very close to where I work...

Thanks for sharing!

aka Married Lizard :wub:
i also got a 4 foot shoplight..... they have ones at home depot.... ive seen similar ones for 7 dollars at walmart..... but my tank is for sale now so its useless... anyone know how to sell a 60 gallon tank fast..?
Yah thats the same thing I bought it was a lot cheaper and performs the same function as the other expensive lights.
code47mastermind said:
i also got a 4 foot shoplight..... they have ones at home depot.... ive seen similar ones for 7 dollars at walmart..... but my tank is for sale now so its useless... anyone know how to sell a 60 gallon tank fast..?
ebay or selling forums.
how thick is the plexi? it must be really stiff and thick other wise your gonna have a saggy banana hood on ur hands
turns out the plexi is kind of saggy, I'm just gonna add support across it that way it won't sag, just trying to figure out a good material to use, something thin and strong, any suggestions?

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