Cheap Gravel Suctioners

If you can't get it to start syphoning just by shaking it, suck the end of the hose until the water starts coming through and then shake to get it going properly. Make sure you have the bucket you're draining into on the floor so you get best suction.
absolutely, there can be few thing more simple to do.

I tried that and ended up with fish water in my mouth, had to treat that with H2O2, and watched video on you tube, tried that method and it just didn't work. I'm going back to store with it to exchange it for something else. Thanks for writing, I had one years ago that was wonderful, can't recall how that one worked so well. I'll even write later to let others and you know how I fixed this problem. :nod:
perhaps try doing it more carefully? its worked for thousands of fishkeepers for many many years.
its hard to see why it has stopped, just for you!

sure, if you are not concentrating, you may end up with a little in your mouth.
I've personally never had a problem (in over seven years). nor can i find any evidence its ever hurt anyone.

these silly items, like linked, are slow to syphon (small pipe bore) and fragile as heck. and with so many bends, junctions and ribs. are far more likely to harbour harmful elements from your water.
looking at it more sensibly, H202 is far more dangerous than tank water anyway.

so suck or fill the syphon in the tank, both work every time with little disturbance
lol, you are looking for a solution to a problem that only exists in you mind.
I use a 3 litre bottle of coke with the bottom cut off and about 8 metres of garden hose adapted to fit in the spot of the bottle and that runs straight into my garden so no mess and no handballing buckets about
What's the whole H2O2 thing about? It's poisonous... :S

I rinsed my mouth from having fish water in it, its really not poisonous, its actually good to rinse your mouth with before you go to bed, and I don't want to know what is in my fish water.

In very dilute solutions it isn't poisonous, but in any percentage greater than about 15%, it certainly is poisonous! Hence your body has several different kinds of catalase peroxidases to break it down into water and oxygen.
People often think that it does good to put it on cuts etc as they think it will kill bacteria. That it will, but it will also kill your own skin cells and therefore will impede healing and can cause scarring.
The only use we have for it is as an emetic.
I'd rather put my fish water in my mouth than that to be honest.
If you can't get it to start syphoning just by shaking it, suck the end of the hose until the water starts coming through and then shake to get it going properly. Make sure you have the bucket you're draining into on the floor so you get best suction.
absolutely, there can be few thing more simple to do.

I tried that and ended up with fish water in my mouth, had to treat that with H2O2, and watched video on you tube, tried that method and it just didn't work. I'm going back to store with it to exchange it for something else. Thanks for writing, I had one years ago that was wonderful, can't recall how that one worked so well. I'll even write later to let others and you know how I fixed this problem. :nod:
perhaps try doing it more carefully? its worked for thousands of fishkeepers for many many years.
its hard to see why it has stopped, just for you!

sure, if you are not concentrating, you may end up with a little in your mouth.
I've personally never had a problem (in over seven years). nor can i find any evidence its ever hurt anyone.

these silly items, like linked, are slow to syphon (small pipe bore) and fragile as heck. and with so many bends, junctions and ribs. are far more likely to harbour harmful elements from your water.
looking at it more sensibly, H202 is far more dangerous than tank water anyway.

so suck or fill the syphon in the tank, both work every time with little disturbance
lol, you are looking for a solution to a problem that only exists in you mind.
No, not my mind, 3 people tried and it didn't work, but its working now. The peroxide is not dangerous to people if you rinse your mouth with it, I certainly did not want to swallow tank water. Did you know some people drink a little peroxide every day? It helps with certain things. With the gravel vac I watched a video on my computer (that method didn't work) and went to pet store, their method worked but involved getting fish water in my mouth. Don't worry, I'm still here and so is my peroxide, I bought a spare bottle of it. Hope I can find the siphon kind of vac!
What's the whole H2O2 thing about? It's poisonous... :S

I rinsed my mouth from having fish water in it, its really not poisonous, its actually good to rinse your mouth with before you go to bed, and I don't want to know what is in my fish water.

In very dilute solutions it isn't poisonous, but in any percentage greater than about 15%, it certainly is poisonous! Hence your body has several different kinds of catalase peroxidases to break it down into water and oxygen.
People often think that it does good to put it on cuts etc as they think it will kill bacteria. That it will, but it will also kill your own skin cells and therefore will impede healing and can cause scarring.
The only use we have for it is as an emetic.
I'd rather put my fish water in my mouth than that to be honest.

I'll try this again, think I erased my first response by accident. Peroxide, here where I live, is not poisonous, people rinse their mouths with it, apply it to cuts, especially to prevent start of infection, some people drink it full strength, I clean my beagle's ears with it (fizzes rather than burns immediately like alcohol would), I even brush my teeth with it! Yes, its a great emetic, but I do not want fish water in my mouth!!! As for scarring, best thing to do after cleaning a cut/abrasion with it is to apply antibiotic ung, then you don't have to worry about a scar. If you live in the UK then you may have different ideas about peroxide. Now, betadine is a whole different matter, I would never rinse my mouth with that, for example. We also apply sugar to fresh cuts, they heal faster. I make sure I always have peroxide, alcohol, sugar, antibiotic creams and/or ointments, band-aids, gauze, tape, etc, etc. But, I would not like fish water in my mouth same as I would not like water from bottom of trash can, from puddle in the street after raining, from a dirty container, etc. But, at least you were honest. Thanks
If you can't get it to start syphoning just by shaking it, suck the end of the hose until the water starts coming through and then shake to get it going properly. Make sure you have the bucket you're draining into on the floor so you get best suction.
absolutely, there can be few thing more simple to do.

I tried that and ended up with fish water in my mouth, had to treat that with H2O2, and watched video on you tube, tried that method and it just didn't work. I'm going back to store with it to exchange it for something else. Thanks for writing, I had one years ago that was wonderful, can't recall how that one worked so well. I'll even write later to let others and you know how I fixed this problem. :nod:
perhaps try doing it more carefully? its worked for thousands of fishkeepers for many many years.
its hard to see why it has stopped, just for you!

sure, if you are not concentrating, you may end up with a little in your mouth.
I've personally never had a problem (in over seven years). nor can i find any evidence its ever hurt anyone.

these silly items, like linked, are slow to syphon (small pipe bore) and fragile as heck. and with so many bends, junctions and ribs. are far more likely to harbour harmful elements from your water.
looking at it more sensibly, H202 is far more dangerous than tank water anyway.

so suck or fill the syphon in the tank, both work every time with little disturbance
lol, you are looking for a solution to a problem that only exists in you mind.
No, not my mind, 3 people tried and it didn't work, but its working now. The peroxide is not dangerous to people if you rinse your mouth with it, I certainly did not want to swallow tank water. Did you know some people drink a little peroxide every day? It helps with certain things. With the gravel vac I watched a video on my computer (that method didn't work) and went to pet store, their method worked but involved getting fish water in my mouth. Don't worry, I'm still here and so is my peroxide, I bought a spare bottle of it. Hope I can find the siphon kind of vac!

Wanted to add that I had the bucket on the floor, still had weak suction that slowly got a little faster, but I do know about suctioning with gravity, long story from my experience though, you'd have to be here I guess.
What's the whole H2O2 thing about? It's poisonous... :S

I rinsed my mouth from having fish water in it, its really not poisonous, its actually good to rinse your mouth with before you go to bed, and I don't want to know what is in my fish water.

In very dilute solutions it isn't poisonous, but in any percentage greater than about 15%, it certainly is poisonous! Hence your body has several different kinds of catalase peroxidases to break it down into water and oxygen.
People often think that it does good to put it on cuts etc as they think it will kill bacteria. That it will, but it will also kill your own skin cells and therefore will impede healing and can cause scarring.
The only use we have for it is as an emetic.
I'd rather put my fish water in my mouth than that to be honest.

I'll try this again, think I erased my first response by accident. Peroxide, here where I live, is not poisonous, people rinse their mouths with it, apply it to cuts, especially to prevent start of infection, some people drink it full strength, I clean my beagle's ears with it (fizzes rather than burns immediately like alcohol would), I even brush my teeth with it! Yes, its a great emetic, but I do not want fish water in my mouth!!! As for scarring, best thing to do after cleaning a cut/abrasion with it is to apply antibiotic ung, then you don't have to worry about a scar. If you live in the UK then you may have different ideas about peroxide. Now, betadine is a whole different matter, I would never rinse my mouth with that, for example. We also apply sugar to fresh cuts, they heal faster. I make sure I always have peroxide, alcohol, sugar, antibiotic creams and/or ointments, band-aids, gauze, tape, etc, etc. But, I would not like fish water in my mouth same as I would not like water from bottom of trash can, from puddle in the street after raining, from a dirty container, etc. But, at least you were honest. Thanks

For the benefit of honc4098 I will read my peroxide bottle for you, maybe you have a different strength than I do: Mine has stabilized 3% peroxide :blink: and contains purified water. Is that what you have, too?

What's the whole H2O2 thing about? It's poisonous... :S

I rinsed my mouth from having fish water in it, its really not poisonous, its actually good to rinse your mouth with before you go to bed, and I don't want to know what is in my fish water.

In very dilute solutions it isn't poisonous, but in any percentage greater than about 15%, it certainly is poisonous! Hence your body has several different kinds of catalase peroxidases to break it down into water and oxygen.
People often think that it does good to put it on cuts etc as they think it will kill bacteria. That it will, but it will also kill your own skin cells and therefore will impede healing and can cause scarring.
The only use we have for it is as an emetic.
I'd rather put my fish water in my mouth than that to be honest.

I'll try this again, think I erased my first response by accident. Peroxide, here where I live, is not poisonous, people rinse their mouths with it, apply it to cuts, especially to prevent start of infection, some people drink it full strength, I clean my beagle's ears with it (fizzes rather than burns immediately like alcohol would), I even brush my teeth with it! Yes, its a great emetic, but I do not want fish water in my mouth!!! As for scarring, best thing to do after cleaning a cut/abrasion with it is to apply antibiotic ung, then you don't have to worry about a scar. If you live in the UK then you may have different ideas about peroxide. Now, betadine is a whole different matter, I would never rinse my mouth with that, for example. We also apply sugar to fresh cuts, they heal faster. I make sure I always have peroxide, alcohol, sugar, antibiotic creams and/or ointments, band-aids, gauze, tape, etc, etc. But, I would not like fish water in my mouth same as I would not like water from bottom of trash can, from puddle in the street after raining, from a dirty container, etc. But, at least you were honest. Thanks

For the benefit of honc4098 I will read my peroxide bottle for you, maybe you have a different strength than I do: Mine has stabilized 3% peroxide :blink: and contains purified water. Is that what you have, too?
I meant hensonc4098 with the peroxide questions/comments. Hope my info helps you.
i wouldn't say its fast fast, and it has a little difficulty getting big bits of poo up. but all in all it does a great job on my sanded substrate. no buckets etc, as i just put it out side.. :) :) (200l tank 20-25% water change in about 5 mins) and you'd av to be slow as ---- to get water in ya mouth use'n this :) :)
i wouldn't say its fast fast, and it has a little difficulty getting big bits of poo up. but all in all it does a great job on my sanded substrate. no buckets etc, as i just put it out side.. :) :) (200l tank 20-25% water change in about 5 mins) and you'd av to be slow as ---- to get water in ya mouth use'n this :) :)

I love your humor! Yes I got fish water in my mouth, I now have 2 bottles of hydrogen peroxide on hand to rinse with. Glad you wrote, I'll keep struggling with mine a bit longer, must take my dog to vet soon and help him, can write later. Thanks! :) :)
H2O2 is not poisonous, is found in many commercial dental products, and is recommended by dentists. It's very good for the mouth, and for wounds. I would much rather it in my mouth than tank water.

The syphon I use isn't slow at all, cost £3 so is cheap, and is certainly not fragile. My toddler plays with it all of the time and it has lasted for however long I have had it (a few years anyway. I would not worry about it harbouring anything because it dries out between uses, and therefore anything it might have in it will die, plus it is for exit only. The sucking on the end of the tube method has worked for many, sure, but that doesn't make it better for everyone. Many things have been done one way for years and change for the better after time. In this case, the change is much better for me (and obviously many others).
Seriously guys. Go drink some 100% H2O2 solution and see if you're still around in the morning.

The stuff that you get in dental products will be about 1-2%, and as for cleaning cuts with it, I've already said you're doing more harm than good.

If you ever get hold of even 20% solution, try putting some on your skin on your hand. Immediately the skin will turn white. This is because it causes death of your epidermal cells. Now think of what any stronger would do to you.

3% solution that is available over the counter is maybe not toxic in such low concentrations, but don't try to say H2O2 isn't poisonous.

(I'm a medical student btw. Not just talking rubbish out my backside.)
H2O2 is not poisonous, is found in many commercial dental products, and is recommended by dentists. It's very good for the mouth, and for wounds. I would much rather it in my mouth than tank water.

The syphon I use isn't slow at all, cost £3 so is cheap, and is certainly not fragile. My toddler plays with it all of the time and it has lasted for however long I have had it (a few years anyway. I would not worry about it harbouring anything because it dries out between uses, and therefore anything it might have in it will die, plus it is for exit only. The sucking on the end of the tube method has worked for many, sure, but that doesn't make it better for everyone. Many things have been done one way for years and change for the better after time. In this case, the change is much better for me (and obviously many others).

I had to write and thank you for saying you also use peroxide in your mouth, too! I did, when I got fish water in my mouth while using gravel vac, and it is good to rinse your mouth with before you go to bed. Thank you for commenting on peroxide use and it won't kill you. If its in a massive industrial sized container its probably another story, LOL, but thank you for writing about it. :thumbs:
Seriously guys. Go drink some 100% H2O2 solution and see if you're still around in the morning.

The stuff that you get in dental products will be about 1-2%, and as for cleaning cuts with it, I've already said you're doing more harm than good.

If you ever get hold of even 20% solution, try putting some on your skin on your hand. Immediately the skin will turn white. This is because it causes death of your epidermal cells. Now think of what any stronger would do to you.

3% solution that is available over the counter is maybe not toxic in such low concentrations, but don't try to say H2O2 isn't poisonous.

(I'm a medical student btw. Not just talking rubbish out my backside.)

Hi again, I read your post, I know 100% peroxide should not be ingested, but the 3% we use on wounds here is fabulous! It turns white and fizzes which proves to me its working on some germ that should not be there and never left a scar. I still use it to rinse my mouth and brush teeth with, even used it for laundry stains but its too weak to work on those. But, yes, anything (like chemicals) that is 100% can be lethal/dangerous and I would not rinse with that. Actually, I've applied liquid vitamin E to the skin and it helps heal. Sugar often helps with healing unless its staph related to resisting antibiotics. I appreciate what you said about peroxide, you had your opinion and I like that, but we still use it, in fact, its very common here for wounds, mouths, etc. :nod:

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