Cheap Gravel Suctioners

I'm not doubting the fact you use it, all my initial statement was that it was poisonous, which you denied.

The rest of my posts were attempting to prove to you that it is poisonous, maybe not in the concentration that you use, but poisonous none the less.

Therefore it would be appreciated if in future you would grasp a knowledge of basic chemistry before going all guns blazing on someone who is telling you the truth.

Really though, this is all this forum has turned into - lots of people thinking they know it all when they don't.

And hey, if I get banned for saying that, it just proves the point.
I'm not doubting the fact you use it, all my initial statement was that it was poisonous, which you denied.

The rest of my posts were attempting to prove to you that it is poisonous, maybe not in the concentration that you use, but poisonous none the less.

Therefore it would be appreciated if in future you would grasp a knowledge of basic chemistry before going all guns blazing on someone who is telling you the truth.

Really though, this is all this forum has turned into - lots of people thinking they know it all when they don't.

And hey, if I get banned for saying that, it just proves the point.
I know where you are coming from.
ATM we have, for the most part, the partially sighted leading the blind. and too few guide dogs, to go around.
coupled with the current trend to find a gadget to fix a problem that does not exist.

and honestly, whilst not meaning to cause offence (but not caring if i do) if you cant create a syphon without filling your mouth, or failing completely.
well? words fail me. (actually they dont. i just shouldn't post them.)

I got mine at PetSmart and have used it for years, works well for me.

I'm not doubting the fact you use it, all my initial statement was that it was poisonous, which you denied.

The rest of my posts were attempting to prove to you that it is poisonous, maybe not in the concentration that you use, but poisonous none the less.

Therefore it would be appreciated if in future you would grasp a knowledge of basic chemistry before going all guns blazing on someone who is telling you the truth.

Really though, this is all this forum has turned into - lots of people thinking they know it all when they don't.

And hey, if I get banned for saying that, it just proves the point.

No, I believe you, I did not want you to think I was drinking it, just rinsing my mouth. Tastes better than betadine, which I don't have anyway. If my daughter was ever home she could explain it, she's a chemist, but she's in the process of moving and with her friends and not here very much. I don't think stores would sell 100% peroxide anyway, I would not mess with that strength, but its ok what you wrote, and really I find this forum informative, more so with experienced aquarium owners and maybe some people own their own fish stores, but, many have helped me with salt and brackish water and cleaning, etc. I hope you don't get banned, you had your opinion, that's ok. I do wish it had been easier on me understanding brackish water and salt especially when I buy these cool crabs and the store denies adding any salt to their water. I thought asking others' advice was the right thing, I have never had a brackish tank or crabs before. Hope this helps. :blink:
What's the whole H2O2 thing about? It's poisonous... :S

I rinsed my mouth from having fish water in it, its really not poisonous, its actually good to rinse your mouth with before you go to bed, and I don't want to know what is in my fish water.

In very dilute solutions it isn't poisonous, but in any percentage greater than about 15%, it certainly is poisonous! Hence your body has several different kinds of catalase peroxidases to break it down into water and oxygen.
People often think that it does good to put it on cuts etc as they think it will kill bacteria. That it will, but it will also kill your own skin cells and therefore will impede healing and can cause scarring.
The only use we have for it is as an emetic.
I'd rather put my fish water in my mouth than that to be honest.

I wanted you to know I don't drink it, although some people do. But, after I clean a wound with it and its done fizzing, I add antibiotic cream/ointment and sometimes vitamin E gel, then bandage or cover if necessary. No scars yet. I still do not want fish water in my mouth though, and you are right, it works great as an emetic. Also, our solutions sold here are only 3% so I don't worry. But if you'd rather have fish water in your mouth, that's entirely up to you. Do you like seafood? Just wondering....
*Puts mod hat on*

Can I just remind everyone to be polite; discuss the issues and not the member, please.

*takes mod hat off*

Seriously, there's no need for all this paranoia about fish tank water. The chances of you ever catching anything from a mouthful of fish tank water is extremely remote.

If your water was so bad that you had to disinfect your mouth, then it wouldn't really be fair to make your fish live and breathe in it their whole lives now, would it?

I've always said that if civilisation collapses, at least we can all pee in our tanks and drink the water; your filters work just like a sewage treatment works, after all ;)
*Puts mod hat on*

Can I just remind everyone to be polite; discuss the issues and not the member, please.

*takes mod hat off*

Seriously, there's no need for all this paranoia about fish tank water. The chances of you ever catching anything from a mouthful of fish tank water is extremely remote.

If your water was so bad that you had to disinfect your mouth, then it wouldn't really be fair to make your fish live and breathe in it their whole lives now, would it?

I've always said that if civilisation collapses, at least we can all pee in our tanks and drink the water; your filters work just like a sewage treatment works, after all ;)

No, my water was not that BAD, I rinsed with peroxide as a precaution, sure beats saying I swallowed water then wrote and asked what to do about it,...did you assume fish water was the same or similar to sewage water? Its not, and I don't mess with infection possibilities, or take antibiotics unless a condition warrants one. I am fair to my fish, why do you think I've spent so much time on their care, water conditions, salt, asking others for their opinion? Yes, I do care about my fish and my digestive system, both at the same time. But, no, water was actually better than I thought when I cleaned my tank thismorning, all tankmates are fine and so am I. Does this help? Glad you wrote even though you thought my water was bad, that's ok, I'm still here to answer so it must have been alright. :rolleyes:
I didn't think your water was bad, bud!

I was just trying to say, that if the water in any tank was so bad that you needed to disinfect your mouth afterwards, it wouldn't be fair to make your fish live in it, that's all :good:
I didn't think your water was bad, bud!

I was just trying to say, that if the water in any tank was so bad that you needed to disinfect your mouth afterwards, it wouldn't be fair to make your fish live in it, that's all :good:

Oh, I thought you thought it was! I just rinsed as a precaution because I don't want to mess with any infections. The water though is crystal clear and all are doing fine. But, when I changed the tank water it was not as bad as I thought. I kept thinking it would look like car oil or something really bad and it was alot better! But, it surely won't need to be cleaned for a while and I am happy when I see clear water, and no, I would never keep fish in bad water, I am more likely to keep them in good water, glad you wrote back, thanks! :nod:

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