Chat About My Tank!


New Member
Mar 4, 2007
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Hey guys,

So the black spot on my Mollies seams to have died down now, added some salt. I've got 2 mollies, 4 platy's and a dalmation mollie.
I've only had the tank for 1 month- they seam to be doing well. Amonia and nitrate are zero.

It's a four foot tank (53 or so gallons)- any suggestions on how many fish and what types I should keep. Am I limited now that I've added salt?
I've added about 1 teaspoon per 5 gallons.


clown loaches do not tolerate salt and get too large for a four foot tank.
Depends wat type of fish your after. Bottom dwellers? Mid swimmers? Top swimmers? Loaches and catfish are ruled out because you add salt to your water and they do not like any salt at all. Maybe get more of each type of fish you currently have?? Sometimes fish in bigger shoals look very affective. Just a thought.

Well, how about going over to a proper brackish tank? There are some really cool fishies that would love that set-up. Have a look at the Brackish forum.... :good:
Thanks for your responses guys!!!

It's too expensive though isn't it for a full on brackish tank?

Would the mollies like a full on brackish tank?

You're restricted to a brackish tank with your mollies. You're probably confusing the costs of a marine tank with a brackish tank, brackish tanks aren't that much more expensive to maintain than freshwater, the only difference is the addition of salt. Mollies will thrive in brackish conditions (you can even keep them in full salt water), as will most other livebearers, if you do decide to go brackish make sure that you use salt for marine tanks rather than aquarium or other salt.

There are many fish that will thrive in brackish water, but many require different levels of salinity. I'd avoid brackish puffers as they're very agressive, bumblebee gobies would do well in your tank though, you could easily keep a large group of them.

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