Charlie - Horse


Moved On
Jan 17, 2005
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Just took some pictures of my horse that i thought i'd share, there's lots of them though, thought i should warn you all!!

Charlie has an allergy to flybites apparently (Vet still isn't sure) and has broken the fence around his paddock scratching on it because he's all itchy!! So he'd been in his stable for the last couple of days, other than about an hour a day grazing in the garden, and a couple of hours each day being ridden, so as you can imagine he was very excited about being let out!!!!

Here's some pictures of him galloping/trotting around... Mad pony!




Yes, thats him bucking!!lol Would you believe he broke his back? :rolleyes:





And a close up shot (sorry about the date thing, my cameras broken and i cant turn it off!!!)





Thats one happy horse thats glad to be out lol.Thankfully neither of mine have problems with flys.Just aswell the midges are horendous around here
Yeah, its really bad here too. You can see where he's scratched most of his tail away. We thought it was sweet itch at first but he's never had it before. The vet seems to think that he's getting bitten on his back and bum and they're getting all swollen and sore so he scratches them. He's done the same to his head as well cos they get around his eye and in his little whirl :(

I did buy him a ridiculously expensive 'anti-bug rug' though, with a cool mask!! :D That seems to help if he's out when its hot! Ooh, and i also had to buy some exqually expensive cream from the vet to put on his sores! :lol: He makes squealing noises when i put it on cos it hurts - Thankfully he doesnt kick though!! :crazy:
pretty boy. i'm curious about that freezebrand though. is he a new forest, or one of those ridiculously expensive breeds that they freezebrand? out this way they brand mustangs, but it goes on the neck, not the withers
pretty boy. i'm curious about that freezebrand though. is he a new forest, or one of those ridiculously expensive breeds that they freezebrand? out this way they brand mustangs, but it goes on the neck, not the withers

Over here a lot of owners have there horses Freezmarked for security reasons and they have it where the saddle goes so that if they are competing it is not noticable
that's pretty fancy. I don't know that that gets done here in the states much. of course, to be fair, my horse experience is limited largely to two states, but even in pictures online (of which i've seen billions :lol: ) you don't really see that on american horses often.
Yes, thats a freezemark on Charlie. Its a lot less painful than the branding used on some breeds and it means that if he's stolen we should have a lot less trouble getting him back!! And yes, under the saddle so that you dont see it :) We had a horse who had it on his shoulder and i hated it there!!!
that's prety cool, even the horses (mustang and otherwise) that I have seen with the freezebrand have always had it on the neck. 'course most mustangs have enough mane that you don't even notice -lol-

doesn't it make you wonder why they don't freezebrand thoroughbreds and tattoo the inside of their lip instead :X now THAT has got to hurt.

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