Iam over the moon, but its caught me unaware......I have nowhere to raise the fry if the eggs do hatch but, Col said to me there mouthbrooder's but the
eggs are scattered at the top,mostly under the food ring, Maybe because its there 1st time they do not know what to do...or do they do this with the eggs
then take in the fry once they have hatched, Lets keep are fingers crossed that we actually get fry, that would be amazing, Any tips on what to do? leave the
light on as usual or turn it off and cover up tank, water changes or leave as is, i was told snakeheads do not like waterchanges very much............
This is great news to anyone who know's about snakeheads esp ornatipinnis as they have never ever breed in captivity before or so iam told by snakehead
exsperts so this is a first
with out further ado i present to you pictures...............