Channa Bleheri and Polypterus Senegalus

Phantom Thief

Population Control Volunteer
Oct 6, 2003
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A world of my own
I just went to a lfs i just found out about.

It was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. Its a wholesaler, so it had row after row after row of all sorts of cool fish.

But those two caught my eye. I only know their name because it was written on the tank, but i have no clue what they are, except i think the p. senegalus is a bichir, and the c.bleheri is some sort of snakehead.

Can anyone please give me more info on these guys? :thumbs:

Channa bleheri or the rainbow snakehead as it is commonly called is one of the dwarf snakeheads which grows to a maximum size of around 12 inches though captive specimins are usually smaller, however despite their smaller size they are still aggressive and predatory. Their care is very similar to that needed for Channa gachua/orientallis

Poypterus senegalus is one of the smaller species of bichir which usually only attains a length of around 10 inches in a aquarium although in the wild they can reach double that. As with all bichirs they are predators that will make short work of any smaller fishes in the tank, particually at night when they will ambush and swallow sleaping fish. There is some more information here
Reckon either one would be a good pond fish to replace channa striata? It's real difficult to find a small c. striata around here.

Both are too small for a pond fish, you would never see them. If you were to remove all the small fish (under 4 inches) from your 65g both could happily live in there together

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