
Hey, I hear ya! I've only recently started using a hose hooked to my sink,just the last couple months. I've toted five gallon buckets, changing literally hundreds of gallons of water each week, for years. Now, it's wicked easy but I feel kinda guilty...almost like a lightweight :p I used to make fun of python users and their wee little,flappy, girly arms. Ahh well, such is karma :(
Now, what you REALLY need is one of these bad boys and you'd be set ;).


Now, what you REALLY need is one of these bad boys and you'd be set ;).



Indeed :nod: I plan on hooking up the faucets at least. The closet will be perfect for that as it's directly connected to the bathroom on the other side of the wall. Oh yes B) Soon, soon. I might have to suffer through Christmas...but after that Look out!

Sukie~ I stopped counting water changes long ago, now I just do them like a robot :blink: They're part of my circuitry.

Joby~ Indeed! :D Last year we had a radio station that started playing Christmas music 24/7 in November. It's not on yet this year,the station has changed owners since, and the bettas want their Christmas tunes!!! Until then they'll just have to keep rockin' B)
hey wuv,

i told myself i wouldn't ask, but then i saw your pics of the show fish in the fish room and i had to...

do you still have any from the show that didn't sell? :hey:
Your fish room looks great.

Don't feel guilty about using a hose. I have been using one ever since I started fish keeping. I have one long enough to fill every tank in my house. I have tanks in my living room, office and bedroom, the hose stays hooked up to my laundry room sink and all I have to do is unravel it for water changes. It is great.

I can't believe you did it any other way with all those tanks :eek: . Water changes must have taken forever!
I am soooo jealous wuv!!! :grr: If that room mysteriously goes missing, its only a coinicidence that we just got an addition! ;)
newfishies~ I do, I've made little to no attempt to sell them because I'm bad,bad, bad. The third shelf down on my tallest rack is full of show fish, and so is that wooden shelf. I've tried to take fantastic pictures but these guys are really zippy, it's weird.
Firstly, this green butterfly *might* be for sale,from me. I paid twenty for him for Tuesday, and then on second thought we decided she would have a molly tank in her room instead. So now here he sits :X

I'll talk to her about him tomorrow. He's just chillin' in the fishroom so I doubt she has any emotional attachment to him yet.

This guy has a sister as well,she's gorgeous!, they're from Siamcrowntail and they're 20.00 for the pair..


Gorgeous purple/red OHM from SiamCT, also has a sister, also 20.00..

That's all I have pics of atm, and only because they were being so cute
:wub: (if anybody wants them, just PM me)

FE~ I just finished a water change on the 55 and the smar tank without flexing a muscle, it's almost sinful. But I have to admit it's great :) I never complained about toting buckets though, I kinda liked it. Those days are gone now though. :p

Ethos, don't be jealous, pity me. Look at what I've become. Someone hold me.
Those first three are gorgous!
I'm not too fond of red colored bettas anymore...

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