
Wuv. Hate to have to tell you this, but you need to retake basic electronics. Water and elecricity don't mix. Now, I know the bettas love listening to music 'n all, but you cannot put headphones in the juvie containers. Yes, the same with speakers in the growout tanks.

:p :D

Nice room, what sort of dimensions does it have? My bedroom es tres pequeno, but that doesn't look tooooo much bigger.... Hmm, ideas, ideas.....
It's a 10X11, not very big at all. And, after my daughter insisted the old fishroom was bigger- it turns out they're the same size :rolleyes:

By the way, my bettas are rockers. They pout if there's no music :p Hooking the stereo up was first priority this morning just to keep them regular.Everything is different,but it's all the same :wub:
Your room looks great! Wanna swap my office for the fish room? :fun: Ok, so that wouldn't work...

Speaking of music... I have a question:
You know how you're not supposed to tap on glass or it disgruntles the fish? Well, if you have the bass thumping excessively via stereo or something, wouldn't that basically be the same concept as tapping on the glass? :huh:
Probably, but,imo, the "no tapping on the glass" rule doesn't apply to bettas. They really don't seem to care about things like that. My bettas don't anyway :look: Maybe because they've been rockin' to bass since they were lil egglings? :p
Wuv, thanks for the tip on the containers. They're kind of semi-opaque here, too, but there's so many, and they're so cheap . . . :/

That setup is just fantastic. Fishies must be so happy to be shown off so well! :thumbs:
Hehehe, is it just me or is putting a cat clock in a room with all fish kinda sadistic? :look:

The room looks awesome! I love the color. That has to be the best color I've seen on the walls actually. Makes me want to paint my room......*thinks of all the furniture moving and smell and painting* ....well, not THAT much. :p
Hehehe, is it just me or is putting a cat clock in a room with all fish kinda sadistic?
:devil: :angel:

It's worth all of the moving afterwards though :nod: I'm ready to repaint the whole house now :hyper:
Its looking great Wuv and I love the colour too :wub:

Must have been a lot of hard work to get it all up and running again so quickly!

You know I've had better spawn results with music going so maybe there is something in that bass vibrations :lol:
That looks really nice Kelly. Very nice indeedy. Good Job :thumbs: .

Painting one room does make you want to re-do the rest of the house...change is good and once you get over the hurdle of actually getting tend to not want to stop..until the pocket book starts to get a little dry anyway :lol:.
rollntider :wub:

SRC~ I've had tons of compliments on the blue from everyone who's come by, it looks really good in person. I have about a gallon of paint leftover so I'm going to do the hall bathroom in the same color :thumbs:

Joby~ it was a lot of work, but we did it in less than a day. Had to, moving fish is hard because it's not something you can do ahead of time. I couldn't have the tanks drained and ready or anything. Just kinda did it in one spurt. It was crazy :S

Oh, on a sad note....I lost four smaragdina juvies during all of this :/ I was draining and I guess they jump now because later that night, after everything was moved, I found three jumpers dried up....I was shocked. I went into the new fishroom and there was one on the floor there,too. It was heartbreaking. They hated the move. Poor guys.
wuvmybetta said:
It's a 10X11, not very big at all. And, after my daughter insisted the old fishroom was bigger- it turns out they're the same size :rolleyes:

Nah, bigger than my room. At a rough guesstimate, mine is about 8'x10'. But I'm awful at estimating.
So sorry to hear about the smaragdina juvies :byebye:

Bettaman tells me they jump high :/

Hope everyone else has settled in well :)
Oh my, how quickly things change around here. It's been a little over a month and I'm already packed full..
My kids on this wall, and the wilds by the window

More wilds along the window, my marble tank against the wall, the second unit holds mostly my fish, third row down holds fish from the show

All show fish on that ugly wood shelf that I thought I'd never see again.
I'm hoping to put a new system up on that wall this coming month.
Wow Wuv, I'm envious!
I'm building my fish room now but unfortunately it will never look like that because i have to compete for space with the washer, dryer, and tall freezer. On the plus side - I have a big sink that will help emensely with water changes. I hooked up the new fish room hose last was very exciting after a year of carrying 13 or more 1 and 2G tanks across the house every week, spilling all the way! :blink:

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