

Retired Moderator ⚒️
Feb 19, 2003
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Ft.Worth TX
A couple of weeks ago my daughter decided she wanted to take the big move and trade rooms with me, my fishroom and her bedroom. I stalled and beat around the bush but she insisted so, here we go :look:

Overall, I think it will be for the best because even though the rooms are the same size- I can arrange this one a bit differently and I should have room for a future barracks project. I'll show ya's my plan after I get everyone moved in tonight :hey: I have to do it fairly quickly because her new bed is being delivered tomorrow and right now we're in between spaces. She's basically homeless :lol: She got mad at me the other night and took off storming to her room and found herself standing in the hall not knowing which way to go :lol: :lol: Ok, I'm the only one who found it funny,but still... :whistle:

Here's the old fishroom..
As I have no current pictures and it's in shambles right now.

And the new,before it was painted...

And after painting... :hey:

Also, on a side note, this past Saturday I took all of the reds from the red community up to my lfs. it was sort of sad AND a relief,if that makes sense. They were going to a bigger,better tank (75 gallons,whoooo!) and they would/will look very pretty on display up there,my lfs was pretty insistent on taking them off my hands. This gives me an extra 55 gallon to use as a grow-out,but still....we loved the reds and we already missed them on the first day they were gone. Kinda sucks. I'm going up to the lfs to see them today though.

Aaaanyhoo,I'll update this with pics as everyone moves :hyper:
LMAO I'm gonna report you to the Child Labor authorities!!! :rofl:

Don'tcha love moving fish's great..ain't it :rolleyes: . I had to move my community tank...and it was a PITA..I can't imagine moving all your fish *wooooo* :blink: .

Good luck with everything..hope it all goes well.

Awww poor wittle red bebbies :byebye: ..I'm sure they'll find good homes though.

And I would have found that scenario funny too...and if she's anything like mine..she did not find it amusing being laughed at while mad :lol:..mine gets so mad when I do that (but can you really help it..sometimes the #### is just funny..too funny to not laugh at lol)..he'll get so mad..he'll shout for me not to even look at him "Don't talk to me..just..just don't even LOOk at me" :lol:.
Good luck with the move Wuv, can't wait to see pics when its all completed :)

Aww, know how you feel for those red babies :byebye:
I hope the change will be a good one. Good luck! And your past fish room was gorgeous!!
SRC said:
LMAO I'm gonna report you to the Child Labor authorities!!!  :rofl:

Don'tcha love moving fish's great..ain't it  :rolleyes: .  I had to move my community tank...and it was a PITA..I can't imagine moving all your fish *wooooo* :blink: .

Good luck with everything..hope it all goes well.

Awww poor wittle red bebbies  :byebye: ..I'm sure they'll find good homes though.

And I would have found that scenario funny too...and if she's anything like mine..she did not find it amusing being laughed at while mad :lol:..mine gets so mad when I do that (but can you really help it..sometimes the #### is just funny..too funny to not laugh at lol)..he'll get so mad..he'll shout for me not to even look at him "Don't talk to me..just..just don't even LOOk at me" :lol:.

:lol: :lol: She was the one rushing me along last night "Can we start painting now? How about now? Are you ready,c'mon" She really helped a lot, I was bummed after she went to bed and left me to finish...I hadn't realized how much she'd actually done until then. It shall be an adventure, I'm about to get started in just a minute.

Thanks Joby and JD! I just looked at the link I put up and that seems to be an older picture of the fishroom....I could have sworn I'd updated since then but darned if I can find the thread :dunno:

EDIT~ wrong name,Joby :*) I saw your avatar and thought you were someone else! :*)
I can't wait to see the finished product wuv. I'm sure the fish will love the "swimming pool" blue you've painted the room. Excellent job on the paint so far! :cool:

SRC: You had me rolling with the child labor authority... :rofl:
heh heh, I can't wait to see it either. It's a slow moving process,that's for sure. The containers will be easy,but the tanks :S
Thanks! I love,love,love that blue. It was exactly what I was going for :hyper: It's more vibrant in person.
Can't wait to see everything all finished. I painted my room two different colors over the summer and boy was it a job. It is light aqua on the top and dark aqua on the bottom. Very oceany~ hehe
That new colour is just gorgeous, and I'd never had the chance to really see your fishrooms before, either- beautifully organised! :thumbs: I really look forward to seeing the setup in the new space, too.

I also noticed that you use those cereal/milk Tupperware containers- the tall ones, with the little slide-back slot for pouring. Do those make good jars for fry, then? Our dollar store has got tons of them, and if they make a good setup then I am so cleaning the place out :hey:
LOVE the color, wuv!! best of luck with the move!

p.s. i'm sure that the reds will be very happy in their new homes, their sisters say, "hi mommy!!" :wub:
I wish one of my parents were intrested in fish, and had a fishroom...
Love the colour! Can't wait to see the finished product :hey:
Andie~ I found those containers to be a pain, although they worked. I couldn't see the fish well though and I hated that. I quickly did away with them as fish left for show or were adopted.

Thanks for the comments,guy. The blue is wonderful and I hated covering it with things so I left out a lot of the awards and such that I had before :look: I did keep my IBC Novice Grand Champion awards because I love them :wub:

And a few others. I love the way the fish look with the blue background,too :thumbs:

They pop right out!

Ok, so here we have an entryway shot...

To the immediate right there is an empty wall that I plan on using for a barracks..

And to the right but to the left.....(what?)


Further left and on your way out..

Overall, I think I like it better. I know I love the window. Now to start on Tuesday's room :zz

I've done away with most all of the small containers for the fry. veryone has grown and has been upgraded to a half gallon or more. The smaller containers on the jarred juvie shelf houses the little six week olds right now.
It looks really great. I can't believe how neat and orderly you keep it seeing as how you have so many...... Hopefully you'll be a few down soon (assuming that my daddies kiddies are almost ready to go) :whistle:
I just realized I haven't cluttered it up with all of my cultures yet :p They're busy cluttering my kitchen counter right now. Kiddos are growing big :nod: They're all jarred right now, I'll post some pics for ya soon. I have a couple pics of their first bubblenests, but they're not in my photobucket and I have to go pick up the kiddo in two seconds so I'll do it later :nod:

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