Ch4Rlies New 2.5 Feet Tank Journal

agreed that it's not big enough to warrant two filters, I was just using it as an example really. I'm wondering though if you'd get enough flow by aiming a nozzle at the front corner - I wonder if the current hitting the corner would bounce it back toward the inlet basket sucking any poo and debris with it? ... the thing with flow and trying to create enough of it not to have dead spots is to play around with it.
When I had my Rio 180 I had just one JBL running and even though it was sufficient to filter (according to the manual) a tank of that size, I still got dead spots galore and the greasy film on the surface in the opposite side to the filter. In the end I added a small internal into the opposite corner and that did help. When the 240 arrived I knew I was going to have the same problem - if not slightly worse because it was a longer tank - and so that was why I decided on the two filters.
It's difficult to know how best to get what you want so throw the idea's around and somehow together we might come up with a solution lol :D
Just for you, Charlie... I had me some fun making a little video! :)
It should show you the difference in power between the 250 and 350 anyway.  The plants in my 64L move very slightly (it doesn't help that the spray bar is off to one side) while the 350 has a lot more power and gets all the plants swaying.
I don't use powerheads so I'm afraid I'm not qualified to comment on that idea.
Absolutely and utterly brilliant, Daize

Exactly the sort of visual information thats so useful. I wish manufacturers showed vids like that to show exactly what their filters are capable of.
Having watched your vids a couple of times, am in a quandary now.
I like the flow from the 350 to be honest, especially if i add holes like i did with mine, then that would be nearly exactly what am after.
Whether to splash out on a 350 and make yet another or at least adjust the shelf....again  :rolleye:
Or to go with the powerhead and spraybar idea, much cheaper and less hassle....but then again I am the perfectionsit and I want the  best....
Will watch the vid again....
To be fair I think my Eheim 250 has lost a bit of power over time and a brand new one should be a bit stronger.  How does my 250 compare with your 150?  Is there much difference?
beautiful tanks Daize 

I know you already have the eheim but I thought I'd share a video of the filters I have just to show you that some manufacturers do show what their filters are capable of and in case you ever decide to change from eheim. I will always recommend the JBL's to anyone willing to listen 
Thanks Akasha, always nice to see another option.
That reminds me a lot of my TetraTec External filter, same sort of chunky solid build and set up, a decent filter I have to say, i remember the filter being real heavy when full of water and media. Thats the only negative really.
Hmm, still have not decided.
But this weekend is a busy one for me, its my son's first birthday party, his birthday is on the 19th July but we're having this party a week early as we will be in Scotland next week and he'll have yet another birthday party with my relatives!!
So hopefully I'll find some time to do some of this during the week, but no real rush though as still have to cycle the tank anyway.
whilst the JBL looks chunky it's not heavy at all. I'm a weakling since developing fibromyalgia and joint hypermobility and I can move and lift these filters with no problems - even when full of water.
JBL recently re-modeled the distribution plate on the head of the filter so that they no longer need a rubber 'o' ring seal. The distribution plate now seals itself onto the canister. They even made it so you can convert an old filter that still has the seal. I converted my original e901 last year. The re-modeled distribution plate cost just £3.50! The postage on the other hand .... (I didn't have much change out of a tenner, put it that way!) Sadly the JBL stockists havn't caught up yet and so the plate had to come from Germany!
It was all worth it though. I hated fiddling with that flimsy rubber seal and it worried me. Since changing the plate maintenance it much easier. 
The only re-modeling I'd like to see them do now would be to attach handles to the canister side to make it safer to move. There are hand holes in the sides of the head but it doesn't feel 'safe' to pick it up like that. I'd like to see hand holes or handles molded into the canister bucket instead ... perhaps in time they will cotton on!
The e901 only uses 13 watts of power and is super silent. I can't fault it
Update time, not a lot to report at the moment.
First off, the filter flow saga is sorted, decided to do just cut the spraybar to size to fit widthways at one end of tank and filter intake at opposite end.
Not my ideal setup but it works well enough.
Filter flow.jpg
I then fitted the double taps on each hose on the Eheim, its so much better I tell you with these fitted, very easy and simple to stop flow and take hoses off etc for future maintenances.
These really should be included in the box with the filter imho.
Eheim Double Taps.jpg
And finally I 'Callum' proofed the tank cabinet, a one year old human fry crawling about opening cupboards and causing mayhem :x
Lord knows what would happen if he manages to get inside that cabinet and start messing about with the filter :blink:

Callum Proof Cabinet.jpg
Looking good!  I wish I could fit my spraybar widthways on my 64L but it's a curved front tank so the sides are much too narrow.
Good thinking with the child lock, especially if you keep bottles like Prime in there.
Time for a long awaited update, have been having issues with cycling this tank for some reason.
Am not sure why but my nitrite levels have been not right, goes to 0 in 30 hours then i re-dose full ammonia amount it will then take 48 hours to reach 0, up and down like that

So have taken the wood and the rock out of the just in case it may be an issue with one of those.
Have replaced the wood with one that i have used in the past from one of my first tank set up, tried and tested and had no issues with that.
All the plants not doing very well either

Am a little stumped tbh.
Human Fry! :lol:
Boy, I can't imagine the mess he could make if he tugged on the wrong pipe. Tanks looking good mate. Hope your cycle sorts itself out soon.
At long last, a update :)
Tank finally cycled, had issues with cycling, think was down to either the wood or the rock i had in there, took both out, tank cycled a week later. Weird.
So the wood is different as you may noticed in the FTS pic.
Then donated some vallis and floating plants from the 3 foot tank as gouramis like plants and appreciate shade.
                    fts 2.5 tank.jpg
And my new favourite fish, not sure if male or female  :)
Hides behind the heater all the time though, so need to get a piece of wood that has a cave and maybe a piece of PVC pipe to make a tunnel for him.
Whiptail catfish - Rineloricaria lanceolata
whiptail 1.jpg    whiptail.jpg
So now, i have 4 Honey Gouramis - Trichogaster chuna, 3 females and one male.
Extremely skittish when first arrived in tank, very pale and hiding, so turned off lights for 24 hours. Now they're much happier, roaming about the tank. And fed them friozen brine shrimps, they love it and lively

Amano shrimp.jpg  assassin snails.jpg
group shot.jpg     Female gourami.jpg
                                 Male Gourami.jpg
Male gourami colours have really shone through now, beautiful.
guppiegirlie said:
Gorgeous ch4rlie, tank looks fab
Thanks, am fairly pleased myself, just need the extra wood cave for the whiptail and perhaps some Indian Almond Leaves.

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